Netflix Already Facing Hard Times while AT&T, Disney and Comcast Want to Kill it



Speaker of the House
Staff member
I can't watch regular programming anymore. I can't sit through all the obnoxious commercials.
Agree. Whenever I have to stay at a hotel or inn, I sometimes turn the TV on.. and I can't believe how many commercials there are. I don't know how people can stand to watch basic cable or network television! I don't know how I did years ago! We are so spoiled nowadays.


Audioholics Master Chief
I don't think Netflix is doing itself any favors going woke on top of everything else...
Hollywood is doing itself no favors going Woke. If you need any example, just check out the trash shows on the CW now. I remember when Arrow used to be watchable. Can't wait for Batwoman. LMAO.


Audioholic Jedi
Agree. Whenever I have to stay at a hotel or inn, I sometimes turn the TV on.. and I can't believe how many commercials there are. I don't know how people can stand to watch basic cable or network television! I don't know how I did years ago! We are so spoiled nowadays.
Even with a prerecorded show and a dvr the commercials are still very annoying. Then again that has been the ticket for free content for a while...


Audioholic Chief
Blah. I like Katee Sackoff and was really looking forward to Another Life. Disappointment of the year. The overdone-to-the-extreme Wokeness might have been palatable if they didn't mess everything else up too, but since they did it sure didn't help. I sure hope they don't mess up the Witcher like that.
I was disappointed with AL too. Couldn't make it through the season. However, not because of the wokeness. I felt the crew was more adolescent than woke. It was more because I felt like I was getting whiplash every episode. It turned into bad soap opera in which by the second episode you lost site what they were really there to do. In general I liked the cast, thought the acting was pretty good, and could put up the adolescent space crew if the material was better.

I felt the same about Lost in Space. Something was going wrong for every person in every second of every episode I watched. Like with AL, you start forgetting what they were really trying to do. People told me LiS got better by the middle of the season, but I just couldn't watch long enough to find out.

Loved Jessica Jones. I was really bummed out that it got cancelled. Thought the writing was great, so was the story line, and the acting was good. They didn't need to rely on her powers and super power fights every few seconds to make it work. IOW, it had substance too. David Tennant was an awesome bad guy, btw.

Like in last posts I made on a similar subject, I don't find Hollywood anymore woke than it ever was. Not sure where people are coming up with this? Hollywood always pushed the edge of wokeness, even during the Hays Code era, for the time period (re-emphasize time period). When we look back over those we don't think they're so woke because many of these have became the socially norm.

I see a lot of things in my everyday life that worry more than Hollywood doing what Hollywood has always done.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
Agree. Whenever I have to stay at a hotel or inn, I sometimes turn the TV on.. and I can't believe how many commercials there are. I don't know how people can stand to watch basic cable or network television! I don't know how I did years ago! We are so spoiled nowadays.
We ALWAYS bring a laptop and HDMI cable when we travel. Netflix and Amazon on the go!


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Yeah I don't really follow it but seem to remember Stan was somewhat "woke" in any case.
I think the word 'woke' in the sense that it is being thrown around in here, really needs to die, by both people who use it as a commendation and also a pejorative. It is supposed to signify some kind of super progressive attitude, but of what exactly? Inclusiveness? Pandering to certain demographics? How is this a new thing? I would love to see someone try to even define it. I have never even heard of this term outside certain social media circles such as this forum. It's not a real word, it's a buzzword for media pundits to glom onto when they need to artificially gin up controversy or discussion about something. If anyone has a criticism (or compliment) that they want to voice of something, they should identify and explain exactly what bothers (or pleases) them, because this word 'woke' seems like a lazy crutch to me.


Audioholic Jedi
I think the word 'woke' in the sense that it is being thrown around in here, really needs to die, by both people who use it as a commendation and also a pejorative. It is supposed to signify some kind of super progressive attitude, but of what exactly? Inclusiveness? Pandering to certain demographics? How is this a new thing? I would love to see someone try to even define it. I have never even heard of this term outside certain social media circles such as this forum. It's not a real word, it's a buzzword for media pundits to glom onto when they need to artificially gin up controversy or discussion about something. If anyone has a criticism (or compliment) that they want to voice of something, they should identify and explain exactly what bothers (or pleases) them, because this word 'woke' seems like a lazy crutch to me.
I just think its use here is indeed kind of silly but I believe it was an AH article that started it. Here's Mirriam-Webster's entry fwiw:

Update: This word was added in September 2017.
If you frequent social media, you may well have seen posts or tweets about current events that are tagged #staywoke. Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I’m woke.”

'Woke' is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

It can be hard to trace slang back to its origins since slang’s origins are usually spoken, and it can be particularly difficult to trace a slang word that has its origins in a dialect. Woke’s transformation into a byword of social awareness likely started in 2008, with the release of Erykah Badu’s song “Master Teacher”:
Even if yo baby ain't got no money
To support ya baby, you
(I stay woke)
Even when the preacher tell you some lies
And cheatin on ya mama, you stay woke
(I stay woke)
Even though you go through struggle and strife
To keep a healthy life, I stay woke
(I stay woke)
Everybody knows a black or a white there's creatures in every shape and size
(I stay woke)​
Stay woke became a watch word in parts of the black community for those who were self-aware, questioning the dominant paradigm and striving for something better. But stay woke and woke became part of a wider discussion in 2014, immediately following the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The word woke became entwined with the Black Lives Matter movement; instead of just being a word that signaled awareness of injustice or racial tension, it became a word of action. Activists were woke and called on others to stay woke.
Like many other terms from black culture that have been taken into the mainstream, woke is gaining broader uses. It’s now seeing use as an adjective to refer to places where woke people commune: woke Twitter has very recently taken off as the shorthand for describing social-media activists. The broader uses of woke are still very much in flux, and there are some who are woke to the broader implications of woke:
“Woke” feels a little bit like Macklemore rapping in one of his latest tracks about how his whiteness makes his rap music more acceptable to other white people. The conundrum is built in. When white people aspire to get points for consciousness, they walk right into the cross hairs between allyship and appropriation.
—Amanda Hess, New York Times, 16 Apr. 2016​


Audioholic Slumlord
I think the word 'woke' in the sense that it is being thrown around in here, really needs to die, by both people who use it as a commendation and also a pejorative. It is supposed to signify some kind of super progressive attitude, but of what exactly? Inclusiveness? Pandering to certain demographics? How is this a new thing? I would love to see someone try to even define it. I have never even heard of this term outside certain social media circles such as this forum. It's not a real word, it's a buzzword for media pundits to glom onto when they need to artificially gin up controversy or discussion about something. If anyone has a criticism (or compliment) that they want to voice of something, they should identify and explain exactly what bothers (or pleases) them, because this word 'woke' seems like a lazy crutch to me.
Thats why I stopped using it in this thread so it can go back on topic. I had a post typed up apologizing for almost doing so, then I thought "Nah, me and HD brought it back. No need for another post..."


Audioholic Slumlord
Hollywood is doing itself no favors going Woke. If you need any example, just check out the trash shows on the CW now. I remember when Arrow used to be watchable. Can't wait for Batwoman. LMAO.
Even the first season of Supergirl wasn't bad. I'd daresay I even enjoyed it. That's a show where I would expect a little girl power woven into the narrative. I liked Calista Flockhart's "Cat Grant" and the chemistry between her and Melissa Benoit felt genuine.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
Generally agree with this. It's useful for moving the conversation forward, which is absolutely necessary! Do I mind a Female 007, regardless of race? No. And I didn't mind the Woke-Bot from Solo, either. :) The sad part is our society still largely abides by the same set of rules that minimizes/marginalizes the role of any non-white-male...
A Copernican styled paradigm shift for our society is long overdue: just as Geocentrism died, so too should the way we value other humans. When we, as a whole, learn to stop celebrating our differences and begin to celebrate ourselves for our similarities, we will find ourselves much better off.
I agree, I don't like marginalization of anyone either, and there were certainly some blind spots in the old ways Hollywood portrayed minorities etc. I still see it here and there but it's definitely getting better. I am more awake to things like "fat" being played as a joke, in the same way minorities dressed a certain way in urban areas used to subliminally convey "bad people" in scenes in some movies. I think we still have a way to go.

It's difficult to explain my reservations about "woke Hollywood" without sounding like a rabid right-winger complaining that they're taking my white-male heroes and turning them into women.

But when I see "wokeness" portrayed too "on the nose", it just makes for bad art. It looks-and-feels too commoditized by pop-culture, and IMHO, "real wokeness" in society at large is simply too important to see it turned into a pop culture trend.

For every white male that's outraged they've made Thor into a woman, it stands to reason there must a feminist or marginalized person out there that's going... "Whew! I'm so glad they finally made Thor into a woman, that'll show the patriarchy, equality is really happening now!"

And frankly, I don't think either exists in any sincere way. It's just Internet theater. Good movies will still do well and be seen. Bad movies won't.

A movie or show that expresses progressive values will always be better art when it can express those values with subtlety, let the viewer draw the conclusion... rather than having a main character throw around "woke" talking-points in one-liners. That poop is going to get so old fast, as all pop-culture trends do.

Then what? Is the conversation over when Hollywood moves on to the next trend?
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I think the word 'woke' in the sense that it is being thrown around in here, really needs to die, by both people who use it as a commendation and also a pejorative.
I think woke is necessarily used in the pejorative, like the term "political correctness".

I use it to loosely define it as a form of conspicuous consumption in pop-culture. It's like virtue signalling in art.

My main problem with it isn't the progressive value being expressed per-se, I think they're good. But the conspicuousness of the portrayal just makes bad art.

It would be like if the famous renaissance painters of the past had put captions or word bubbles on their paintings telling the viewer what to see or feel from the painting. It instantly undermines the art.


Audioholic Slumlord
Just for the record, I'm on board with lady Thor. There's precedent for it and Natalie Portman is one of my favorite actors. I also don't mind that they ret-conned a couple of characters in the upcoming "The Witcher" (casting Triss and Yennifer as minority roles) as long as the story is good and they keep with the spirit of the source material I'm all good.

A female James Bond? Why not? For me it depends on how it's presented tho. I think it can be very good. Good art is good art.
Jon AA

Jon AA

I was disappointed with AL too. Couldn't make it through the season. However, not because of the wokeness. I felt the crew was more adolescent than woke. It was more because I felt like I was getting whiplash every episode.
Oh, I agree that was the main problem with the series. The most important deep space mission in human history in an attempt to save the world? Crew the ship with a bunch of self-absorbed millennials who think orders are mere suggestions and feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want instead, loudly bitching about every little thing along the way.... Yeah, sure, smart move there.

Most of the crew struck me as people who wouldn't make it through the first day of boot camp for any of our services, much less the first level of screening for any sort of NASA type organization. Just not believable in the slightest.

Having nothing to do with the "woke" subject, I think SciFy often falls down the trap of thinking people being bitchy to each other makes for a more interesting story than an interesting Sci-fy story. An example that comes to mind are Stargate SG1 and Atlantis vs Universe. In the first two there were certainly some bad people, but the overarching plot was humanity fighting against an alien threat trying to wipe us out. Universe was all about bitchy people being bitchy to each other. The first two had staying power, the last one didn't.


Audioholic Jedi
Just for the record, I'm on board with lady Thor. There's precedent for it and Natalie Portman is one of my favorite actors. I also don't mind that they ret-conned a couple of characters in the upcoming "The Witcher" (casting Triss and Yennifer as minority roles) as long as the story is good and they keep with the spirit of the source material I'm all good.

A female James Bond? Why not? For me it depends on how it's presented tho. I think it can be very good. Good art is good art.
Isn't it rather she, a black gal, will be the new 007 and James Bond will still exist? I remember reading that somewheres....not to mention the w word again but this is more w than simply a white female thing....


Audioholic Slumlord
Isn't it rather she, a black gal, will be the new 007 and James Bond will still exist? I remember reading that somewheres....not to mention the w word again but this is more w than simply a white female thing....
That's one I don't follow other than headlines. Never been a big James Bond fan so... yeah. They could turn him into Garfield the cat and I probably wouldn't be too bothered, lol.


Audioholic Jedi
That's one I don't follow other than headlines. Never been a big James Bond fan so... yeah. They could turn him into Garfield the cat and I probably wouldn't be too bothered, lol.
It's just the movies after all :) I'm a huge James Bond fan, even read at least one of the Ian Fleming books before I saw the first movie in the theaters with my dad way back when. Not Hollywood yet either IIRC. Here's the article I was thinking of


Oh, I agree that was the main problem with the series. The most important deep space mission in human history in an attempt to save the world? Crew the ship with a bunch of self-absorbed millennials who think orders are mere suggestions and feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want instead, loudly bitching about every little thing along the way.... Yeah, sure, smart move there.

Most of the crew struck me as people who wouldn't make it through the first day of boot camp for any of our services, much less the first level of screening for any sort of NASA type organization. Just not believable in the slightest.

Having nothing to do with the "woke" subject, I think SciFy often falls down the trap of thinking people being bitchy to each other makes for a more interesting story than an interesting Sci-fy story. An example that comes to mind are Stargate SG1 and Atlantis vs Universe. In the first two there were certainly some bad people, but the overarching plot was humanity fighting against an alien threat trying to wipe us out. Universe was all about bitchy people being bitchy to each other. The first two had staying power, the last one didn't.
Ive got to say sg1 when it first came out i watched for about 10 episodes. The thing that got me to stop was the get captured escape,get captured escape that happened every episode. It was like lets go through this gate get captured so we can get away and do it again tomorrow .


Audioholic Slumlord
It's just the movies after all :) I'm a huge James Bond fan, even read at least one of the Ian Fleming books before I saw the first movie in the theaters with my dad way back when. Not Hollywood yet either IIRC. Here's the article I was thinking of
Uh oh... now I get it. I was pretty upset with what they did to Luke Skywalker. Star Wars is near and dear to me. I'd be upset if they made Darth Vader Garfield the cat. I'm feelin' you now.


Audioholic Jedi
Uh oh... now I get it. I was pretty upset with what they did to Luke Skywalker. Star Wars is near and dear to me. I'd be upset if they made Darth Vader Garfield the cat. I'm feelin' you now.
I think I've seen all the Star Wars stuff but not sure what you mean what they did to Luke? Maybe that fallen giant gal from Game of Thrones that had the shiny stormtrooper suit can come back as another type of dark lord, tho ? :) I have a hard time taking the whole Lucas series too seriously....I consider it more Flash Gordon stuff (which I watched when I was a kid on tv). Garfield would be too much, tho for sure.

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