we know this:
we are born
we die
it is the great equalizer, there is no other option
but it's the life in between that matters, and she will leave you & your parents behind...is this not a good thing? a piece of her will live on...it's up to you to make it a 'good' piece...
as far as 'after', no one can tell you one way or the other...we will (or won't) know until after, it's the reward for living, why should that secret be shared with the living? that's why it's called 'faith' and not 'fact'....
as far as electricty, perhaps like the heat off a light bulb which dissipates in a random and evenly distributed/disjoint fashion, merging into a common enthalpy with all the other heat from all the other 'bulbs', never to be reconstituted into a single unique entity again, never associated with that single light bulb, all 'connection' lost...but this is not bad, or hopeless, it may be 'just the way it is'....perhaps you may not 'be with' her again, but you may 'be one' with her...
and perhaps, that 'one', that 'universe', is 'God' or 'heaven'?
I wish her and your family peace during this trying time...