I appreciate the prayers. She is on morphine for the pain and has already started talking to people we don't see. We had a church service in her room this morning and she really enjoyed it. I ended up singing Blessed Assurance in the kitchen lol.

She asked for me to sing it in the kitchen and then sing it to her. We suspect that endorphines and adrenaline have all rushed into her body for her last few days.
Seeing people can just be a reaction to the meds. My dad had part of a lung removed and after the surgery, he thought he was reading the newspaper, but it was the acoustic ceiling. They had to strap him down because he was lungeing up to turn the pages. He also saw one of my uncles, who lives in Kansas.
As I posted before, be happy you got to have her around for as long as she has been- I only saw my maternal grandfather a few times and my paternal grandmother had been in a nursing home after a stroke before I was more than about a year old, so I never got to know her, either. My other grandparents had died before I was born and although we had an old couple two doors away, who were like surrogates, I still would have liked knowing/having my grandparents.
Times like these show what we're made of and what we have learned. Hope for the best, expect the worst and tell her that you love her before it's too late.