Due to work I haven't been around much.......but, I still pop in, thank you very much Mr. Robbie (nee Bucklemeister), please don't pick on the resident caveman, any illegals trying to rush the cave will be duly speared, skinned and fed to the wolf. I'm staying off political topics due to the fact that for the last month I've cut myself off from all extraneous, mindless information coming from a dull and rather insipid news media, instead I've put more effort into reading "the classics", music theory (jazz) and I've begun to noodle around with a keyboeard, I've been listening more to Parker, Coltrane, Montgomery and early Benson and it feels like a breath of fresh air has come through the cave, as for my right wing leanings....those are still in place thank you and as for the left being so tenderhearted to their fellow man...remember: China, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Cuba, Russia and so forth, but before you can name their opposites (Germany, Spain, Chile, etc) let's just say all extremes aren't good for the soul neither left nor right, remember the qualifier: extremes. To all my friends here: I hope all finds you and yours healthy, happy and full of good joy, life is short so enjoy.
Cheers and warm regards,
resident caveman