It's clear my thread title is exactly what this author believes...........
REYNOSA, Mexico (Reuters) - Tougher security along the U.S.-Mexico border is forcing migrants to take more dangerous, remote routes to cross into the United States and pushing up the number of deaths in the desert. This year could see a record of well over 500 such deaths. At least 275 Mexican bodies have been found in the first six months, according to a Mexican Congressional report backed by U.S. and Mexican border groups and academics.
The Reuters agenda driven reporting has clearly flipped the tables and turned the real story (that New border security measures are working and making it more difficult for ILLEGAL ALIENS to enter) into something it isn't (a story detailing the victimization of innocent migrants:thanks to evil America).
The author even laments the rising costs of entering the country illegally....
But some border experts say enforcement does not stop those trying to get into the United States and only makes it more dangerous, greatly raising the fees charged by people smugglers.
Hello??? They're called
illegal aliens, and they're breaking the law by entering our deserts!!!!!!! I find the media's pro-illegal alien
left interpretation of current events to be quite interesting indeed
The new border security measures are clearly making a positive impact, and that's a good thing
......unless you're a card holding member of the pro-open-borders media.