Monster doesn't sell to people. They sell to stores. Stores mark up the product and make mucho grande profits.
What if people bought monster cables from their local retailer, took them out of their expensive packing, saved that, tried them, found they didn't like them, repackaged them, and returned them?
Remember, each electronic transaction, credit purchase or return, costs the merchant a few pennies. In businesses, those pennies can add up! I dealt with merchant services for a while.
Now, when you return a repackaged ("save all packing materials") item, they obviously can't get the same $$ as they would for a "virgin" so their profit margin is a bit impinged when they are forced to sell it as an "open box" item.
That. plus the processing charges, well, one bite at a time...
But, of course, this would never happen, would it?
I think it's a much more complicated endeavor to go that route, and doesn't really have the dramatic effect that one might take from seeing a pile of burning Monster Cables, hehe... IMHO.

It's like chipping away at a giant, they may or may not ever feel the sting, and don't think too many consumers would go through the trouble just to formulate a protest.

And it wouldn't get the attention it deserves - however, a pile of burning cables may just make the evening news at 6, at the very least.
OTOH, what you say is indeed very true, and pennies do add up, even for a major corporation.
Funny story - I was in my local cable company's store this weekend, swapping out one of my cable boxes, and as I was getting the new one, casually asked the sales guy if they had any HDMI cables they give out with the HD STB's, as I didn't have any left at the house and figured it would be better than running out and buying a new one somewhere. To which he replied, "Sure, we have some, but they're not Monster Cables or anything like that...". I looked at him funny, and felt compelled to educate this nice young man on what Monster Cable really is - and most importantly what it isn't, and filled him in on all the atrocious business practices MC has been extolling over the past few years. He seemed genuinely surprised, and said that yes, he had heard of several things like that, but never really looked into it too much. THEN - he proceeded to say, "Well, if they're like that, I don't think I'll ever buy another Monster Cable again..." Then I happily took my generic HDMI cable and left the store, completely satisfied, that I had brought yet another one's attention to the craziness that surrounds MC. MC, it will be a long, hard road for you to restore my faith in your company and your product, and I am surrounded by tens of thousands like me. Best of luck to you...
Hey guess what, that generic HDMI works every bit as good as any Monster Cable I've ever seen...whodathunkit.