The viewing distance is anywhere from 12'-15'. Right now it's 13' because the current set is very deep. (Almost 3' deep) There is plenty of play as to where I can place the couch so I can set my viewing distance to whatever I want within reason. Max probably 17'.
To address your second point, that's another option I've been kicking around but it seems as the sentiment around here is if you have a retractable screen you really need to have it tab tensioned($$$) and if I were to go this route I wouldn't have enough in my budget to get a plasma, FP, and a tab tensioned screen. I'm tring to keep the budget around $4k, +/- $500 or so.
And to your last point, yeah I know it won't be a huge difference, but if I don't go with a FP I would still like to get as close as I can to a theater experience as I can. My wife and I haven't been to a movie theater since seeing Dr. Dolittle in 1998...our first date.
Thanks for the help,