Hey guys. Well I picked up a cheater plug on the way home tonight and tried that right away. It did indeed work. So I set about trying to find the cause of the ground loop and disconnected the main tv cable line that came into the house. That didn't help, so I disconnected all of the tv's and cable modem network connection, and that didn't help either. So I tried to play around with what is in the room. Unplugging the tv in the room seemed the most benefial, but did not make it go away. Turning the computer off helped a bit more, but it was still pretty noticeable. Finally, I just wasn't sure if there was much else for me to try, so I gave in and called MLS. He told me to give him a call earlier when I had a chance, but I was really hoping to not have to go to that length (just doesn't seem right to bug him in particular, but I guess if he offers...)
So I did get a hold of him leaving his grandson's baseball game, we talked a bit, he had me try some things that I did already, then he had me try a couple more things, but none of it really seemed to help. I had mentioned that pretty much anything that gets turned off and on I can hear that happen through the sub. He said when that's the case the problem is from the electrical wiring, they have the wiring being ground in multiple locations instead of just one, and that's causing the ground loop. So for now I am using the cheater plug, but am going to try a one to one transformer from Radioshack.
I'll post back on the results of that. My previous sub wasn't grounded, and this is the first time I've run into this issue and wasn't familiar with it. However, now I'm curious and wish I had another sub to try to see how much of a variation there is between manufacturers, if any at all. I'm not sure if some are more susceptible than others or not.
I have no idea if there is an issue with these subs, or if there's just a lot of people like me who haven't run into this issue up until now and aren't sure how to deal with it.