Bah, got my MWF-15 today. DHL tried to deliver it a day early, so I spent 45 minutes waiting at their hub for the driver to get back so I could pick it up after the missed delivery, and instead he decided to hang around our neighborhood until my wife got home so he could make the delivery...
Darn persistent drivers...
It was packed well, looks nice, told my wife to grab Finding Nemo as we went upstairs to connect it up...powered it up and BUZZZZZZZZZZ......
As my wife asks, "what's that noise? why's it doing that?"
"No reason, don't worry, it was free anyway, go back to your own room..."
Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations for ground loop isolators, let me know. I was kind of thinking this one-
In the meantime, it will sit here idley as the hum/buzz is louder than my music...