I'm on Medicare. I pay $130, $174.74, and $20.80 monthly for Hospitalization, Part F and Part D supplements. I paid into Medicare since it began in the 1970's as I recall. I am now 69. I am truly grateful for the plan. Last year, I broke my wrist, had cataract surgery, and doctor visits for type 2 diabetes and glaucoma. Had I not had Medicare and supplements, instead of a $3500 expense, I would have had about a $10,000 expense, which would have meant no cataract surgery. Now, before I was eligible for Medicare, I was advised I had a need for glaucoma surgery. Inquiring about the price I was told it would be about $30,000. My plan did not cover it at all. So, this forecast blindness for me, since I did not have $30,000, nor could I borrow it. Eventually, I found a Doctor and a Surgery Center to perform the operation for exactly $3200, which I accepted and paid for on a 24 month plan. Still, I lost my eye sight. At any rate, if anybody has a plan that might work for quality health care at an affordable price I'm betting on President Trump to lead. For sure, Medicare for all, meaning free for most sounds great but, like all Socialist ideals, it will destroy health care. In other words, free health care means no health care when the program runs out of productive people paying for it for others.