i need a cd player( high end )... the very best sound quality
You're getting poked pretty good. This is why...
This is an audiophile forum. People here strive for the best sound, or the best sound for the money, and have more than average knowledge about consumer audio gear. Your question raises several red flags to the audiophile.
1. You have a soundbar... and paid a lot for it.
There are receivers and speakers, for the same money, that can murder your soundbar.
2. CDs are a digital source... Ones and Zeros. There is no degree of reproduction. Either the digits are there or they aren't. That means a reliable inexpensive player will provide the same signal as a reliable expensive player. The difference is in features, loading times and available outputs.
You have already gone way down a path few of us would recommend. Few would also recommend spending a lot adding to it. It's great if your system is good for you. That's what we all want. But the advice here is to minimize the money you spend adding to it. Just look for an inexpensive, name brand bluray player. It will provide more "quality" input than you can use.