Peng, yes it is a Marantz AV7704. The sordid tale;
About a month ago I stopped in one of the local Audio/Home Theater/Car Audio places in my neck of the woods (about 30 miles from my home). I was in the area and had just fed my wife a delightful lunch, so she was sated and acquiesced.
Whilst there I noticed a "Clearance" Marantz AV7702MK2. They wanted ~$1,400.00 for it. I mentioned to the sales person (incorrectly I discovered later) that the AV7703 was available for $1,299 online. He told his manager, the manager pointed out to the salesperson they were having a sale, and they could give me the AV7703 brand new for $1,270. I verified how long the sale was for and they said a week. So we left, I did the research and discovered the online AV7703 I that was thinking about for $1,299 was used, not new. The best price new was $1,499. That evening over dinner my wife & I discussed it, and we decided to pull the trigger.
Next day I called them up, told them I wanted the unit, and assuming it was in stock I drove down with credit card in hand. They took my money then told me they would let me know the next week when it would be in stock. Disappointed I left, and waited. After a week I called and they said they would let me know when they would have it the next week. A week later they said they would have it the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The Saturday after Thanksgiving they said I would have it no later than yesterday.
I got a call yesterday, and they were all apologetic, and said "...they couldn't get the AV7703. But would I take an AV7704?" I was about to get all indignant, because I knew the online price for the AV7704 is $2,199. But before I could say anything, he continued "for $106 more and I could have it tomorrow(today)." After a bit of hesitation (to not seem too anxious mainly) I said sure.
Picked it up this evening, brand new in an unopened box for $1,456.44 after tax. So I guess I got a good deal.
Testing will probably wait until Sunday.