Highfigh, I may be wrong in my perception and recollection, but I don’t think I’ve ever targeted you, nor most other regular posters here, with any kind of insult or derision.
We don’t all have to get along all the time, but I do try to act respectfully to all our AH friends, including you.
If that post were targeted at you, I would make it clear. I promise.

If I’m wrong in my recollection and you feel that I have attacked you or treated disrespectfully, please pm me so we can clear the air.
To the remainder of your reply, you are absolutely correct: there are many POS humans in all walks of life. I just irreverently chose the two most obvious ones where it always seems to come out as a surprise and shock.
To be fair, the Catholic Church is at least now admitting there has been a problem and trying to make things better. (I would say “right” but that’s gonna be a long time coming as movements in the Church are measured by century rather than day or even year.)