Mar a Lago raided by FBI



Audioholic Warlord
Trump doesn't bother reading much, so I imagine his thinking was just take as many boxes as you can. 21 and counting.....:)


Audioholic Jedi
Sure you do, wouldn't expect anything less from you. You're probably the most despised AH member. Many on AH say your an A_$., But hey you seem to be ok with that.
Better to be an asshole than a dumbshit like you, Mikey.
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Audioholic Samurai
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Audioholic Samurai
Better to be an asshole than a dumbshit like you, Mikey.
Lolo, aw sh$, no one that I know of ever stated to me in a inbox message, ever your an a$$hole. Lol. Just the backend of an a$$.:D

But I'd proudly wear this if you buy it, sent it to me. :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Too easy... talk about low hanging fruit...

I'll play.

Catholics and the Neo-Conservatives!

If you think you're hurting my feelings with those two, you completely failed. However, if you really look around, you'll see Protestants, Mormons, Boy Scouts, Royals and many others in the cesspool of pedophiles, along with turds from every political party.


Seriously, I have no life.
Didn't the Gov't form some kind of transition team at one point? If not, why not? They should be there every time a POTUS leaves office and prevent this kind of BS from happening. The oval office has cameras- they could post guards in there when POTUS is out and if they carry documents out, they should have authorized people in place to intercept. No exceptions, nothing that's so classified that it would need two sets of eyes, nothing dangerous leaves the office.


Audioholic Overlord
If you think you're hurting my feelings with those two, you completely failed. However, if you really look around, you'll see Protestants, Mormons, Boy Scouts, Royals and many others in the cesspool of pedophiles, along with turds from every political party.
Highfigh, I may be wrong in my perception and recollection, but I don’t think I’ve ever targeted you, nor most other regular posters here, with any kind of insult or derision.
We don’t all have to get along all the time, but I do try to act respectfully to all our AH friends, including you.
If that post were targeted at you, I would make it clear. I promise. ;)
If I’m wrong in my recollection and you feel that I have attacked you or treated disrespectfully, please pm me so we can clear the air.

To the remainder of your reply, you are absolutely correct: there are many POS humans in all walks of life. I just irreverently chose the two most obvious ones where it always seems to come out as a surprise and shock.
To be fair, the Catholic Church is at least now admitting there has been a problem and trying to make things better. (I would say “right” but that’s gonna be a long time coming as movements in the Church are measured by century rather than day or even year.)


Seriously, I have no life.
Highfigh, I may be wrong in my perception and recollection, but I don’t think I’ve ever targeted you, nor most other regular posters here, with any kind of insult or derision.
We don’t all have to get along all the time, but I do try to act respectfully to all our AH friends, including you.
If that post were targeted at you, I would make it clear. I promise. ;)
If I’m wrong in my recollection and you feel that I have attacked you or treated disrespectfully, please pm me so we can clear the air.

To the remainder of your reply, you are absolutely correct: there are many POS humans in all walks of life. I just irreverently chose the two most obvious ones where it always seems to come out as a surprise and shock.
To be fair, the Catholic Church is at least now admitting there has been a problem and trying to make things better. (I would say “right” but that’s gonna be a long time coming as movements in the Church are measured by century rather than day or even year.)
That didn't bother me, at all.

You can say whatever you want about the Catholic Church or pedos and it won't bother me unless it's a positive comment. The admissions by the RC is like making it OK by saying "Sorry' after killing thousands of people for not being Cath....oops

"After this date, priests can no longer marry"- sincerely, the pope.

What's the worst that could happen?


Audioholic Spartan
To be fair, the Catholic Church is at least now admitting there has been a problem and trying to make things better. (I would say “right” but that’s gonna be a long time coming as movements in the Church are measured by century rather than day or even year.)
The Catholic Church have for many decades covered up rampant pedophilia among their clergy with the abusers still allowed to be priests. Of course, no reporting to the police either.

Not only should the abusers be in prison but also the enablers covering this up.
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Audioholic Samurai
The Catholic Church have for many decades covered up rampant pedophilia among their clergy with the abusers still allowed to be priests. Of course, no reporting to the police either.

Not only should the abusers be in prison but also the enablers covering this up.
Try, centuries of the Roman Catholic Church covering up. Decades? That's just the latest and greatest. The atrocities of that religious fellowship, goes deeper than what any other religious establishment of to date. Throwing all the others in alone with the Greek gods that where worshipped BC, torture, nailing people to a cross by the hundreds, thousands for what ever. Who's those nut jobs that would burn women alive? Oh yeah Puritans.
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Audioholic Samurai
Even the very far right members of this forum have gone silent; they’ve no problem otherwise defending pedophilia. ;)

But now they are silent, go figure.

Perhaps too busy listening to police radios?
Dude, your the slant one., That post doesn't even make the common senseless. Lol. Believe me when I tell you, the the sex slave trade is alive and well. You'd be surprised, maybe you wouldn't but to slant in your post just to drive the rhetoric of a political threat tells me all I need to know about you. You keep drinking that Kool-Aid.


Audioholic Samurai
What do people think the odds are that the DOJ indicts Trump for crimes related to improperly taking and storing documents at Mara Lago? We have almost no facts to work with so this is a guessing game.

If being a clueless orange a**clown was a crime, the odds would be 100%. Fortunately for Trump and unfortunately for the rest of us it’s not a crime (but if you vote for me in 2024 I promise to support the “Clueless Orange A**clown Criminalization Act”)

In terms of Trump being indicted, my best guess is “Sheesh, I really don’t know.” There are not enough facts to go on and we’re in largely uncharted water legally and historically. It certainly looks like laws were broken, but even if they were that’s not necessary a guarantee that an indictment would follow.

January 6 is a different matter. If (emphasis on “if”) the DOJ found incriminating documents related to January 6, all bets are off.

Also, the investigation by the state of Georgia appears to be dead serious. But, I really don’t know what is going to happen in that case either


Audioholic Overlord
What do people think the odds are that the DOJ indicts Trump for crimes related to improperly taking and storing documents at Mara Lago? We have almost no facts to work with so this is a guessing game.

If being a clueless orange a**clown was a crime, the odds would be 100%. Fortunately for Trump and unfortunately for the rest of us it’s not a crime (but if you vote for me in 2024 I promise to support the “Clueless Orange A**clown Criminalization Act”)

In terms of Trump being indicted, my best guess is “Sheesh, I really don’t know.” There are not enough facts to go on and we’re in largely uncharted water legally and historically. It certainly looks like laws were broken, but even if they were that’s not necessary a guarantee that an indictment would follow.

January 6 is a different matter. If (emphasis on “if”) the DOJ found incriminating documents related to January 6, all bets are off.

Also, the investigation by the state of Georgia appears to be dead serious. But, I really don’t know what is going to happen in that case either
Unless there is true proof that any of these documents were leaked, my suspicion is that they will leverage for him agreeing to shut up and sit down. Even though T himself made mishandling of classified documents a felony, I just have a feeling that if no actual harm was done, they will ask him to bar himself from further politics.
If he plays stupid and loose (all too likely), they may push for a more serious legal intervention.

Frankly, I'm half expecting to hear that if there is not already a Grand Jury that one is impaneled as quickly as they can do so to trigger an indictment.
None of this DOJ stuff would have gone forward if they didn't know way more than is available to the populace. Articles saying DOJ c0cked this up and didn't anticipate the blowback are BS propaganda. DOJ knew exactly what would happen and were likely expecting the shenanigans.
I think when this hits the next phase... if there is a next phase... it will be a full blown indictment on espionage charges. For the documents claimed to be in his possession, he is done.

Georgia is definitely a high level threat to him, as are the NY Civil and Criminal cases.

Of course, there is also the piling up of Jan.6 issues.

I expect we are gonna have an interesting and busy news cycle starting on Monday.


Audioholic Spartan
What do people think the odds are that the DOJ indicts Trump for crimes related to improperly taking and storing documents at Mara Lago? We have almost no facts to work with so this is a guessing game.

If being a clueless orange a**clown was a crime, the odds would be 100%. Fortunately for Trump and unfortunately for the rest of us it’s not a crime (but if you vote for me in 2024 I promise to support the “Clueless Orange A**clown Criminalization Act”)

In terms of Trump being indicted, my best guess is “Sheesh, I really don’t know.” There are not enough facts to go on and we’re in largely uncharted water legally and historically. It certainly looks like laws were broken, but even if they were that’s not necessary a guarantee that an indictment would follow.

January 6 is a different matter. If (emphasis on “if”) the DOJ found incriminating documents related to January 6, all bets are off.

Also, the investigation by the state of Georgia appears to be dead serious. But, I really don’t know what is going to happen in that case either
Not indicting Trump will also send the message that he is above the law, at least that is what he will think.

What he took with him and refused to hand back is something that could threaten US security, from what I have read.

There are even other people than Trump that could be indicted, though. Apparently there was a Trump lawyer signing a document in June saying that all documents marked as classified was returned. That was false. There must have been other people around Trump knowing about this, so I wonder what problems they are in.

But as you wrote there is much we do not know.


Audioholic Spartan

>>>At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

The written declaration was made after a visit on June 3 to Mar-a-Lago by Jay I. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in the Justice Department’s national security division.

The existence of the signed declaration, which has not previously been reported, is a possible indication that Mr. Trump or his team were not fully forthcoming with federal investigators about the material. And it could help explain why a potential violation of a criminal statute related to obstruction was cited by the department as one basis for seeking the warrant used to carry out the daylong search of the former president’s home on Monday, an extraordinary step that generated political shock waves. …<<<

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