ManTown may also be needing a new rec'r. It could be the TV. I get fine red lines across the screen on start up which go away if I pull the HDMI cable and plug it back in. I tried pulling the HDMI cable from the Roku as well but that had no effect on restoring PQ.
On the rec'r (Yammy 2600) I tried truing up the HDMI socket and rebending those two weird vampire teef looking fang connectors. I cleaned it all with alcohol and a Q-Tip after vacuuming it all out. The first test was a pass but the second was a fail. That made the disappointment of the fail feel like defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. I was devastated. I'll work that out in group later.
Today I realized that I could unplug the HDMI cable at the TV or the rec'r for the pic to reset. Now I'm wondering if it could be the TV. It's an old Panny Plasma ... it does have 2 HDMI inputs ... so glad we had this chat. So long as I keep eliminating fail points, eventually I'll narrow it down. Nope input 2 does the same thing. Still, TV or rec'r? I don't have the time to run diagnostics ATM but I'll end up checking the HDMI cable too.
Or I could just say f^%& it and plug Irv's 975 in and get myself a phono pre-amp. I didn't want to spend the hundred bucks but as it turns out a friend offered to give me one of his two cheapo pre-amps. The loss would be SACD and DVD-A playback.
It seems that turning the TV off and then back on eliminates the red lines as well as uplugging the HDMI cable. Turning the rec'r off and then on effs up the picture. Those are the rules. I'm just figuring this out now. So if I turn the rec'r on first, wait a few seconds to turn the TV on, it's all good.
But why? Is it because I made fun of Doug for not getting a bigger amp? Is
this karma?