Monday morning, 4 days after the "puking affront", I finally started feeling normal again. I had a full night's sleep, and was actually hungry this morning. I even drank 2 cups of coffee

, after having none since last Thursday. Even yesterday, I couldn't handle that.
I'll never know whether I had food poisoning or one of those nasty rotaviruses. (Edit: For the record, my wife claims it was probably norovirus, not rotavirus. I'm not arguing.) I'm guessing virus because it was intense but over fast, in one day. The 3 day recovery was longer. Bacterial food poisoning can often result in hospitalization to treat severe dehydration. Thankfully I didn't have that.
Thanks to Alex, KEW, Pogre, GO-NAD!, ryanosaur, everettT, afterlife2, and all the others I've enjoyed reading in the past few days. It really helped take my mind off my own misery.
Alex, your photos, even of wiring & banana plugs, are fascinating and entertaining. I haven't done anything different to my system in years, other than replacing the STs with the Veracity STs. My speakers cables, still green/black, now that they've finally been burned in

I do have to investigate and fix whatever is funking up my TV antenna and/or connection, but it will require a lengthy visit to the attic. The video signal goes in & out causing the picture & sound to momentarily pixilate and/or break up. I've replaced the F connector where the antenna line joins the TV, but that didn't fix the problem. I'll have to see if I need to replace the whole antenna line, or the antenna itself.