Hey All, so I’m fine with the volume number being higher to equal a similar volume. Definitely not unhappy with my new Denon, it was just unexpected behavior. However I wanted some input on the following:
So I’ve been very busy since setting up the receiver and haven’t had a music listening session until yesterday. I noticed I was not hearing much bass, so I went over to the sub to check things out. It was on (power light was lit) but I did not feel the familiar vibration, like none at all. I checked the knobs on the sub and turned up the rain etc all the way, but no change. all. I turned it off and on, same issue. I did run the auddysey room calibration upon setup and I did hear some good bass then during that process and we watched Apollo 13 recently and the bass was good then. A little too loud at times. Is there something different about listening to music (streaming from phone to Apple TV) that would be very low bass? Then used the Denon remote to increase bass sub decibels and it did make a difference, but it’s weird. I’m not sure how to change the low pass filter frequency on the new receiver but maybe related somehow? Since I was familiar with correct settings in the pioneer, this new receiver is a bit confusing. Any ideas?