

Audioholic General
Sorry about your job loss as well. I hope some work comes your way soon.


Audioholic Overlord
Bummer, really sorry to hear this. Maybe you will find something even better. Who knows, it may turn out to be a blessing after all. Hang in there as I am sure something will open up for you. Until then, clear your mind and I bet you come up with something before you even know it. Good luck to you finding a new job! :);):) I will keep you in my prayers.



James NM

... My goal has been to be a pastor and that's why I started going to seminary. Software is a nice job, but it's just not me..
Sorry you lost your job, but maybe God has other plans. If you have the calling to be a pastor, I doubt you'd find peace or be happy there anyway. Sometimes when one door closes, another opens.

James NM

I don't care which politician you line up to shoot ...
I say all of them suits me just fine.

... I'm now totally in favor of high tariffs to keep all this junk out...
Me too. Let's see, the average American worker makes about $40k a year, while the average Chinese worker makes about $400 a year. $400 a year is nothing but slave wages. Sounds pretty fair to me.

We haven't ended slavery. We just keep all the slaves in China now.


Audioholic Warlord
You think you're kidding but I have this guy named Gustavo that does all the odds and ends around here. I found him one day when we were giving away some junk on Craig's List. He came buy to pick up the junk and I asked him what he did for a living. He does Masonry work but said business was slow. I asked him what all he was good at and he said about everything. I have called him a million times to do various things for us and he is always on time and does a great job. He is even a little too honest. Last time he did work for me he quoted that the job would be $150. I paid him when he was done and he drove off. About 30 minutes later he came back and knocked on my door and said he wanted to give me $50 back because he thought he charged me too much. You don't see that every day.
It's refreshing to hear that there are still such good people out there.:)


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about that, hope you can find some new work soon.


Audioholic Warlord
I say all of them suits me just fine.

Me too. Let's see, the average American worker makes about $40k a year, while the average Chinese worker makes about $400 a year. $400 a year is nothing but slave wages. Sounds pretty fair to me.

We haven't ended slavery. We just keep all the slaves in China now.
On one hand, imposing tariffs seems like the logical way to protect jobs. On the other hand, guess what'll happen to the inflation rate....and the cost of all your A/V equipment....:eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
I say all of them suits me just fine.

Me too. Let's see, the average American worker makes about $40k a year, while the average Chinese worker makes about $400 a year. $400 a year is nothing but slave wages. Sounds pretty fair to me.

We haven't ended slavery. We just keep all the slaves in China now.
What is the cost of living in China? If $400 gets a tolerable standard of life, they don't need to make $40K. The only reason we need to make that much is that everyone here wants too damn much and has confused 'want' with 'need'.


Seriously, I have no life.
I appreciate all the comments. I was a software engineer, but I've got a lot of different avenues so I'm praying and working hard to get things rolling. I've already got some references. My goal has been to be a pastor and that's why I started going to seminary. Software is a nice job, but it's just not me. I'm prefer a more people oriented task. Will see what happens, but my wife does make decent money as a teacher so we should be better off than most folks. We'd been saving for a down payment on a house so it's nice to have that cash to help us while we slim down.
Sorry to see that you lost your job- have you thought about teaching code writing?

God help your congregation if you end up being a Pastor- they'll be deaf in weeks. I can see it now- a flown line array on each side with a row of tuba horns across the front, a back room that looks like Mission Control (you can call it that, too) with banks of bridged EuroPower 4000s, DEQ/DCX2496s and.......


Audioholic Jedi
On one hand, imposing tariffs seems like the logical way to protect jobs. On the other hand, guess what'll happen to the inflation rate....and the cost of all your A/V equipment....:eek:
We can't have it both ways.

If we want free trade, then we have to equalize wages, or we will be in debt for ever, and have a bunch of low paying jobs any way. So either tariffs or we have to abolish the minimum wage and slash or do away with benefits like health Insurance and retirement accounts. I would rather have the tariffs. I know AV gear would probably increase probably by a factor of three to five and a lot of other things too.


Audioholic Warlord
We can't have it both ways.

If we want free trade, then we have to equalize wages, or we will be in debt for ever, and have a bunch of low paying jobs any way. So either tariffs or we have to abolish the minimum wage and slash or do away with benefits like health Insurance and retirement accounts. I would rather have the tariffs. I know AV gear would probably increase probably by a factor of three to five and a lot of other things too.
That's exactly the point I was trying to make - we cannot have it both ways.:( Here in the developed world, we've been gluttons, gorging on our own limbs and not realizing that we've crippled ourselves until it's too late. It's a race to the bottom....sadly...


Audioholic Overlord
Me too. Let's see, the average American worker makes about $40k a year, while the average Chinese worker makes about $400 a year. $400 a year is nothing but slave wages. Sounds pretty fair to me.

We haven't ended slavery. We just keep all the slaves in China now.
I've not lived in China, but I did live in Thailand for a summer. A very good meal is less than a dollar there. So 400 is probably enough to live off of. The average american spends 80 a week on bad food. In Thailand I spent 5 or 6 dollars a week on much better food.



You're a software engineer. I bet you could develop a hack that would rip them off big time and they wouldn't even know it.

See what I figure you do... You know with all those money transactions how they round up to the hundreth's place, well just round down and put the extra in a bank account...

And for those of you who don't get it: you MUST watch 'Office Space'.

Now sneak in and steal the fax machine and 'disappear' it. I live in Louisville so one slugger coming up.


Audioholic Overlord

You're a software engineer. I bet you could develop a hack that would rip them off big time and they wouldn't even know it.

See what I figure you do... You know with all those money transactions how they round up to the hundreth's place, well just round down and put the extra in a bank account...

And for those of you who don't get it: you MUST watch 'Office Space'.

Now sneak in and steal the fax machine and 'disappear' it. I live in Louisville so one slugger coming up.
LOL I don't want to go to the minimum security fed pen.


Audioholic Warlord

You're a software engineer. I bet you could develop a hack that would rip them off big time and they wouldn't even know it.

See what I figure you do... You know with all those money transactions how they round up to the hundreth's place, well just round down and put the extra in a bank account...

And for those of you who don't get it: you MUST watch 'Office Space'.

Now sneak in and steal the fax machine and 'disappear' it. I live in Louisville so one slugger coming up.
As an aspiring pastor, I doubt that he'll want that on his resume.:rolleyes:


Audioholic General
This is the worst I have seen the economy since graduating from college in 1991.

Not to add insult to injury but this video representation of unemployment, I think, will give everyone a much greater appreciation for how bad it really has become.

Unemployement Video for USA since January 2007

I have nothing but best wished for everyone in this economic disaster. And I agree, without tarriffs, work will not return to the USA. We may pay higher prices for goods but we will have jobs to pay for them.


Full Audioholic
We can't have it both ways.

If we want free trade, then we have to equalize wages, or we will be in debt for ever, and have a bunch of low paying jobs any way. So either tariffs or we have to abolish the minimum wage and slash or do away with benefits like health Insurance and retirement accounts. I would rather have the tariffs. I know AV gear would probably increase probably by a factor of three to five and a lot of other things too.
That would have to apply to teacher's salaries and town employees in general.. we can't have property taxes increasing by $300-600 every year while wages are going down $3,000 every year. You gotta earn $40K just to pay those $15K in property taxes every year! Failing that, a better approach would be just to allow property ownership and stop lying about freedom in America. Grrr..
Word to the wise, don't fall behind on those property taxes.. if Canada's anything like the US, you could end up owing quadruple the principal in just a few years' time.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I once had a job as a male massuese for upscale women clientele and I was fired just after one day. Seems I didn't understand what they meant in the guidelnes when they said finish off with her face. Hang in there!


Republican Poster Boy
Bummer dude:( I know just how you feel, and I hope you find something fast.


Audioholic General
Being in Shock at a time like this is completely understandable. Sometimes we all need that sweet comfort. ;)

You're young, there will be other jobs. The world is not ending. If it was it would have by now.
Good luck finding other employment and wish me the same.

Take that pic however you like.

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