

Audioholic Overlord
I'm the economies latest victim. Today I was let go. I'm in shock atm.


Audioholic Intern
Very sorry, hang in there. You are a smart guy and seem to have a good attitude. I am sure you will find another (hopefully even better) opportunity. Hang in ther and keep your chin up.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm the economies latest victim. Today I was let go. I'm in shock atm.
Being in Shock at a time like this is completely understandable. Sometimes we all need that sweet comfort. ;)

You're young, there will be other jobs. The world is not ending. If it was it would have by now.
Good luck finding other employment and wish me the same.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Terreble news! Hang in there, though, as the others have said. It's easier said than done (coming from one who lost his own job twice in the past).
I wish you and the family well and best wishes finding another job.


Audioholic Warlord
That may seem like terrible news now, but several weeks or months from now, you might view it differently.

I lost a job in 1997 and was also in shock. The very next Monday, when I woke up in the morning, my very first thought was "I am so glad I don't have to go back to that h*** hole anymore." It wasn't all roses after that, but it was true I hated it there and hadn't admitted it to myself.

Were there other layoffs? That is a good sign of a company in trouble. Consider yourself lucky to get out of there early. Pity the others who still are there. Their morale will take a nose dive. It's always amazing to me how long a failing company can circle the drain before finally going under.

Remember, you are not your job, and your job is not you. Keep faith in yourself and remain confident.

The really bad news, for us at AH, is that now you are really going to post a lot more often :eek:.


Things will change man,hold your head up as best you can.Good luck finding something in the near future...


Audioholic Field Marshall
Wow that sucks, hang in there man. I would use this time to do things around the house that you didn't have time to do before.


Senior Audioholic
Sorry to hear that bro. I know someone here will blame it on Obama and someone else will blame it on Bush. Next thing you know your thread will be close. :( But dont blame yourself on this. Stay positive and most of the time you will get a better job than you had before.

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."
--Vince Lombardi


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry to hear that bro. I know someone here will blame it on Obama and someone else will blame it on Bush. Next thing you know your thread will be close. :( But dont blame yourself on this. Stay positive and most of the time you will get a better job than you had before.

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."
--Vince Lombardi
I don't care which politician you line up to shoot, but Isiberian's situation is in large part due to the situation we find ourselves in because of their, and business leaders total incompetence.

We have learned today the 80% of the "green stimulus jobs" are going to China!

A wind farm being built in Texas, is providing 2000 jobs in China, and 300 in the US! I'm just furious about that and ready to just about start a revolution.

We have a wind farm in Minnesota finished in the fall, that has not worked all winter, because the stupid windmills don't like the cold. I have no idea if they are Chinese, but its a good bet.

I'm now totally in favor of high tariffs to keep all this junk out. If we have to have these stimulus packages with taxpayer dollars then I want to see Americans employed and NOT Chinese.

We need to vote a hell of a lot of people out of office of both parties. Count me madder than hell.

By the way sorry for your job loss. I have been through this with my family. My daughter's architecture firm is filling bankruptcy as there is pretty much zero commercial construction round here. My son in law who is a landscape architect, according to job service, is very unlikely to find stable employment in his lifetime with his skill set. He lost his job October 2008, and has had to work at big box stores. Now he is hiring himself out doing home repairs and painting etc, and doing better than working for the fools who run the big box stores.

My electrical engineer son has just started his third job in two years. He seems to get work pretty quickly, but it is a huge hassle. He has been told he could get better and more stable employment if he moved to the Far East, but he chooses not to. He was headhunted by Toshiba not long before the recession, but they wanted him to spend a third of his time in the Far East. Who in there right mind would want to put up with that! So unfortunately you have a lot of company, and there are scores of fools to blame for it.
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Audioholic Spartan
That's too bad; many of us certainly feel your pain.

Many times when one door closes, another opens.
Good luck, things can only get better.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't care which politician you line up to shoot, but Isiberian's situation is in large part due to the situation we find ourselves in because of their, and business leaders total incompetence.

We have learned today the 80% of the "green stimulus jobs" are going to China!

A wind farm being built in Texas, is providing 2000 jobs in China, and 300 in the US! I'm just furious about that and ready to just about start a revolution.

We have a wind farm in Minnesota finished in the fall, that has not worked all winter, because the stupid windmills don't like the cold. I have no idea if they are Chinese, but its a good bet.

I'm now totally in favor of high tariffs to keep all this junk out. If we have to have these stimulus packages with taxpayer dollars then I want to see Americans employed and NOT Chinese.

We need to vote a hell of a lot of people out of office of both parties. Count me madder than hell.

By the way sorry for your job loss. I have been through this with my family. My daughter's architecture firm is filling bankruptcy as there is pretty much zero commercial construction round here. My son in law who is a landscape architect, according to job service, is very unlikely to find stable employment in his lifetime with his skill set. He lost his job October 2008, and has had to work at big box stores. Now he is hiring himself out doing home repairs and painting etc, and doing better than working for the fools who run the big box stores.

My electrical engineer son has just started his third job in two years. He seems to get work pretty quickly, but it is a huge hassle. He has been told he could get better and more stable employment if he moved to the Far East, but he chooses not to. He was headhunted by Toshiba not long before the recession, but they wanted him to spend a third of his time in the Far East. Who in there right mind would want to put up with that! So unfortunately you have a lot of company, and there are scores of fools to blame for it.
It's natural to want an individual or group to blame, but it's not so simple. As a society, there's plenty of guilt to pass around. The most recent economic boom was a complete house of cards. All it took was a nudge to topple it over. The single biggest factor would be all the spending on credit - from government deficit spending to individuals putting everything on credit cards or getting unaffordable mortgages.

Canada, as a whole, has been spared the worst effects of the recession. However, from what I'm reading lately, we may be just putting it off. That may make us even stupider than other countries which have been badly affected by the downturn. Why do I say that? Because we should be learning from those other countries' sins. Instead of that, Canadians are still racking up debt like drunken sailors, as if nothing has happened! House prices continue to inflate and credit card debt is at record levels. I shake my head in amazement at the utter folly. Whereas the US stepped off the cliff face first, we're just backing up to it blindly!

I sometimes think my wife and I must be weirdos. We borrowed 80% of the price of our house, but we paid off the mortgage in 8 years, because we don't like being in debt. We have never carried a balance over on a credit card - we pay off the total each month to avoid interest. We've always lived well beneath our means and have accumulated a good nest egg for retirement. Are we really as strange as I think?

Having said that, I've had the good fortune of never being unemployed after 28 years in the workforce. I could be laid off tomorrow - one never knows. Management has a tendency to keep their cards close to their chests when it comes to such things. If I do lose my job, at least we won't be in debt. I don't want to seem preachy, but if people in general were a bit more conservative in their spending, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Isiberian, I'm not accusing you of being a spendthrift. I just believe that you are just another victim of everyones' overspending. I know that none of this is any comfort to you, but I really do sympathize and wish you a short job hunt.


Audioholic Overlord
That sucks. Although it sounds trite, having youth on your side is a huge plus.

Update that resume and start looking at your network of contacts.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about your bad news, Isi. I know it sucks monkey balls.


Audioholic Overlord
Sorry to hear about that. "We" as men, seem to define ourselves with our careers and it leaves you feeling empty and useless when it is ripped away from you suddenly.

It's been right at 3 years since I was laid off of my "dream job". I was miserable and it took me along time to come to terms that I was one of the ones who was laid off.
I spent ~8 months looking for the right job as I didn't just want to jump on the first thing available. I was lucky in the fact that I got a very good severance package which may not be the case for you. In the end, I landed a job making almost twice what I was
and the company I was with, continued to struggle and have closed their doors at the local branch. A lot of people lost their jobs and only the wave of lay-offs that got me, received severance packages.

Spend 40 hours a week prepping and searching for the right job. This is your job right now so take it seriously. Get up early each morning, take a shower, shave and put on your business clothes even if you are not leaving the house. Get your resume updated, call and email every single person you have ever met and market yourself. On weekends, take it easy just like you always have but just don't spend money.

Keep your head up, you will find another good job and you will make it through this.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
It really sucks they gave you no indication this was coming. Greg has some great advise. Take care.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about this man. It can be very tough to take at first, but it may end up being the best thing for you in the long run. I was let go from a job about 12 years ago. I ended up with a much better job that paid more in just 2 weeks. Hang in there and do what you need to do (send out resumes, sign up for all the free help on the internet and go to interviews). A few months from now I expect to be reading posts from you saying how much you love your new job.
Don't let the first few negative results stop you from pushing on. From what I've read, you have to send 10 resumes to get 1 interview. You need to go on 10 interviews to get one offer. And you'll need 10 offers to get the one you want. It may seem like a lot now, but it will pay off big time in the end.

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