One of the stated benefits with the ACA was that because more people were covered the federal gov't would be able to reduce payments to hospitals that covered the cost of the uninsured since obviously they were now insured. As Jinjuku pointed out in one of his earlier links, this leads to some amount of net savings to the federal gov't. Sounds good. So, are the hospitals happy or at least reasonably content with the new status quo? It doesn't seem so in NYC.
NYC hospitals still have to treat illegal aliens (undocumented, documented migrants, dreamers, whatever the politically correct word of the day is). They are not covered under the ACA. So, while the gov't on the one hand touts its fiscally sound and responsible numbers, the hospitals are facing a phaseout of federal funding which will cause them to draw on reserves and unless nothing is done, some measure of financial difficulties.
What's the solution?