Great system mate. The Denon AVP has really stood the test of time especially with the upgrade.That was good of Denon to offer it to us as it vastly improved the center channel for my liking.Love your speakers and your gear is amazing.
Thanks. I absolutely love my system every time I turn it on. Every single time. Some guys talk about "synergy" between components. While I don't believe in "synergy", I do feel it appears to be a marriage made in heaven between the Denon AVP-A1 + RBH Towers. The reason is because I utterly love the sound and absolutely believe the sound cannot be any significantly better. Thus, I wholeheartedly feel that this is "the last system I will ever need to buy".
I do believe the Denon AVP-A1 is a piece of masterpiece engineering. But I wouldn't have loved it so much without Dynamic EQ. I use Audyssey Bypass L/R + DEQ. If there were an option for Bypass L/R/C/SL/SR + DEQ, I would have used it.
IOW I have listened to different pre-pros with different Room Corrections (Anthem, Classe, McIntosh, Mark Levinson), and I have never been able to feel that the results were significantly night-and-day better than Bypass. But I can hear an unequivocal night-and-day improvement when I turn on Dynamic EQ.
I seems like I have said "enough" about the sound of RBH.

But I really haven't said enough about the quality of the bass I'm hearing. I have loved this RBH bass about 4-5 years ago and I still absolutely love this RBH bass as I type this now. As Gene pointed out, I love this above-60Hz-stereo bass. Every time I hear this bass from any source or content, it gives me a grin and tingling feeling all over.
But the salient point is for all of us to be truly happy with our systems (whichever systems they are) in our own happy ways.