KEW if you only have one listening position, I think you would be better served with a single high end sub since your priority is articulation. If it were me, I would give Funk Audio a call and see how their 15" subs are going, they might fall in your price range. After all, if acudeftechguy is selling his Rythmiks in favor of his Funks, that must mean something. If you want to avoid single sub localization, just cross it over low, providing your mains are capable down to 60 or 70 hz. Barring that, I would go for Hsu ULS or Rythmik subs, or, if you can make the stretch, a Seaton submersive. You might also look into JTR's sealed captivator, it supposedly sounds very good. The thing is, you may not think you will need some real dynamics right now, but I think there will come a time in your music listening when you wish you had it. Think about throwing in an album and in there is a track that when it hits and grabs you, you just have to crank it. Also, if you just get one high end sub now and still pine for duals, save up and get another and you will have a bass system that is truly enviable. But, if you are certain you will never need the big dynamics, I think the Rythmik F12s are the ones with your name on them. The advantage of that is if you ever want more output than what your Rythmik subs can give, just buy two more F12s and stack them.