You definitely made me laugh. You said don't over complicate it and then you absolutely positively did. Made me laugh. I knew what you were suggesting and I know your heart was in the right place. I saw the humor in it.
We have built similar solutions (at least in concept) around a computer, NAS, cloud and multiple backups. Exactly how we have done it may differ in the particulars but the big pieces are all there. I know from the comments of others that the OP wanted S-I-M-P-L-E and what we have done for the average bear is not simple to put together.
Like you, I have spent my whole adult life in IT so this stuff was fun for me and enjoyable to put together.
For a non computer dude who is just starting, the simplest thing going would be a laptop with USB ports and hopefully an external drive for storage. You can check all the boxes for a beginning solution. You also don't lose anything if you want to get more complex: you just build on what you started.
I love my music system and the computer system that supplies it. Absolutely love what it does and how it does it. I will show it off to anyone I can get to sit down and listen.