I don't want to get into a back and forth here because I know that many on this forum have already made up their minds on everything audio related. But just one visit to my home and unless their ears are plugged they will hear the difference between say a Meridian Explorer2 DAC and a Benchmark DAC2 HGC.
Test gear? Of course the differences are measurable by modern test gear (even though I don't think we are yet able to measure exactly how we hear, or everything that is important). Just compare JAs measurements of the Audioquest Dragonfly DACs vs the Meridian Explorer2 and even between those two relatively lateral moves there are differences in measurements (bit resolution and bandwidth are two). Then look at his measurements of Benchmark DAC2/ DAC3. There are plenty of differences within the audible band.
Dragonfly Red & Black:
Meridian Explorer:
Meridian Explorer2:
Benchmark DAC2 HGC:
As far as sound, heck even a Schiit DAC (gotta check the model) sounds better than the DAC in the Parasound P5 pre-amp. I didn't expect that, yet everybody in the room heard it.
I know, people here will say you can't hear the differences in those measurements when it suits them. And for them I feel truly sorry because personally going from a bunch of lateral move DACs in the <$700 range (from the ODAC to the Marantz HD-DAC1 and a slew of others in between) to the Benchmark DAC2 HGC was a revelation. I never would have believed the difference would be that great if I hadn't heard it for myself. I have NEVER heard digital files (very familiar recordings) in my home sound as good as they do with the Benchmark. Simply stunning.
YMMV, people can chose what they want but I think most attentive listeners will easily be able to hear the clear differences between an entry level DAC and something like the Benchmark if they spend some time with both.