I concur, and think that
@TankTop5 demand we do this is unreasonable.
He asks us to take a six month old article based upon anonymous sources referencing classified material and find documents in an continuously updated archive to support the article. Apparently to make the article credible, I guess.
When we've done that we should use the article to support his claim "Completely separate, the DNC and Hillary campaign made it look like Trump was colluding with the Russians. " As it is, the article does not support that claim, heck, even the anonymous sources does not claim that.
For reference the links
@TankTop5 posted are:
- https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/419901-fbi-email-chain-may-provide-most-damning-evidence-of-fisa-abuses-yet
- https://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/
The TheHill article is a piece published 5th of December 2018 (
https://thehill.com/author/john-solomon) that uses anonymous sources referencing classified material. It's a bit unfortunate that the site does not date each article in the article itself, which wold make it easier to put it in context.
In the the archive by JudicialWatch there are a number of documents appearing to be from FOIA request, and documents are continuously added (the last as of yesterday as I write this). The names of the documents are of the type "JW DCNF v DOJ Steele Orbis 00968 pg 11-12", "JW v. DOJ Strzok Page Emails Prod 6 00154 pg 116-128".
These two sites appears to be unrelated.