Yeah, there's competition (coming) for Netflix. I don't believe it's fulling materialized yet. Netflix has some really good stuff and quite a bit of still entertaining shows. I'm sure they'll maintain that.
It's seems the new up and comers are relying on their old material. Using Disney as an example, I've seen almost everything they have to offer already. In fact, I saw most of them on Netflix. Their new stuff I'm finding mediocre at best. Sure, if you're a die hard Marvel or Star Wars fan you'll love whatever they put out. At least in the short term. Heck, I suffered all the way through Boba hoping it would amount to something better. During a recent interview with Disney's CEO he said they are going to be raising prices as they build up new content.
Paramount seems to be in more or less the same space right now. How many more spin offs of star trek, or star wars, can we tolerate? Are you watching because you're a fanboy or because the show can stand on its own? I find myself straddling this space.
Soon, besides being stratified with each of their own signature content, they'll all be $$+ a month. They'll all lose viewership and top out then. I've thought about signing up for one for a few months and when I'm tired of watching Star whatever, cancelling and going to another stream. Particularly now that I'm reverting back to the pre-covid levels of viewing. However, I'm sure they're planning ahead to mitigate us from doing this (sign on for 1 year....)