I had RPLND and they cut out part of my pancreas, my spleen and adrenaline gland on March 13th. I'm still in the hospital with Orthostatic Hypotension. It's been a brutal couple weeks for sure. I'm hoping the Orthostatic thing isn't long term.
I'm sorry to hear that. It can happen that lymph nodes remain enlarged or tumor grow back after chemotherapy on the side the testicle was removed. It is very challenging to do this surgery after chemotherapy as the lymph nodes tend to adhere to vital organs.
It was really bad luck to have to have the tail of the Pancreas removed.
I assume that you still have your right adrenal gland, so you should be fine.
I expect a lot of your problem is recovery from a very complex serious operation.
Try and keep your nutrition up, which might be a challenge at this stage.
I'm really sorry to hear of this state of affairs. Hang in there and be patient. This recovery will take a while, but you will get better.
I had two massive operations 10 months apart at Mayo just over 11 years ago, and it took me a long time to recover. You will too.