Illegal Alien Costume causing uproar.....



Well,I'll agree that you've got a bit of a problem but I don't like the demonizing of these people. They are human beings trying to get ahead and that is exactly what your founding fathers were talking about when they said "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
Demonizing? We are not the ones hanging the U.S flag upside down under the Mexico flag on U.S soil.
It doesn't give them the right to drive here without a license or insurance and indirectly cause my premiums to jump $600 this year.

It doesn't give them the right to clog our already broken health care system.

It doesn't give them the right to overcrowd our schools and demand that the tax payers pay for translators because they don't speak English.

I doesn't give them the right to trash my neighborhood with their water bottles, jackets, bags and feces as they cross illegally.

It doesn't give them the right to enter ones property or steal cars.

It doesn't give them the right to illegal employment.

All men are created equally, but it doesn't give them the right to be an illegal citizen.


Audioholic Samurai
Demonizing? We are not the ones hanging the U.S flag upside down under the Mexico flag on U.S soil.

All men are created equally, but it doesn't give them the right to be an illegal citizen.
That first sentence by you is the one that actually hurts more than anything else, I remember the first time I saw the mexicans doing this, also laying the American Flag in the street and pouring beer on it then stomping it,spitting on it,all that came to mind at that instant was the thoughts of my Father and his time spent fighting for this country, the loss of my two Uncles in Vietnam while they too were supporting our country, my friends that are right now serving in our military , to make our country the greatest place on this planet.I teared up and then filled with rage how could they do that while living here how could they display such disgusting actions down right disgusting, horrible actions. I feel ill just thinking about it, :mad:


Audioholic General
Well,I'll agree that you've got a bit of a problem but I don't like the demonizing of these people. They are human beings trying to get ahead and that is exactly what your founding fathers were talking about when they said "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
I’m sure Tom Jefferson & his compatriots would not have tolerated people from outside their boarders showing up with their hands out while having no intention of giving anything back.

But hey, to those whose hearts bleed for the Mexican people & their plight, why not do something about it? Take medicine, food & money (at your own expense), go to the border and start handing it out. I’m sure you’ll make fast friends, and I’m also sure you’ll be financially wiped out in less than a day.


Seriously, I have no life.
Well,I'll agree that you've got a bit of a problem but I don't like the demonizing of these people. They are human beings trying to get ahead and that is exactly what your founding fathers were talking about when they said "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

"A bit of a problem?????? Imagine people showing up at your house, uninvited. They eat your food, damage your house, tear up your yard and toss garbage all over, beat up your kids and wife (and worse- the sex crimes alone are increasing at an alarmingly high rate), take your things, invite their friends and family, demand that you care for them/make it possible for them to read in their language instead of your own/increase every expense you already struggle to meet. Then, seeing that someone in your house doesn't want to do some of the things that are needed, so they do them and want to be paid, even though they could still be done as before. Instead of helping out with the expenses, they give some of the money to people outside of the house, so they can pay someone to drive them to your house and move in when it's already a stretch to pay for everything as it is. Now, have your neighbors tell you that you should be more accommodating.

Here are some links that should make everyone's hair fall out- pay attention to the info about the increased prison population and graphs of increased expenditure at the local, state and federal levels, in the last link:

"A bit of a problem"? Canada wouldn't put up with it, why should the US?


Seriously, I have no life.
Well,I'll agree that you've got a bit of a problem but I don't like the demonizing of these people. They are human beings trying to get ahead and that is exactly what your founding fathers were talking about when they said "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
They're human beings trying to get ahead without paying for what they use. Try to remember- no group of people is 100% good. The ones who are coming here are causing a lot of problems and if the stats are accurate, the average quality of people who stay in Mexico is higher than before because the crap is moving North. They know they're here illegally. They don't care about our laws.

I don't know if Django is your name or if you just like the most famous person to have that nickname, but he was a Belgian gypsy, which means he and others like him were viewed basically the same as illegals here because they didn't respect property rights and broke just about every law. They have been scorned for hundreds of years and in fact, are still hated in Europe for the same things illegals do here.

When two of my ancestors came here, it wasn't yet a country. They left during the last English Civil War when Cromwell was heading The Protectorate, which means they didn't like their government controlling their lives. I guess it's hereditary, in my case. The difference is that they didn't come here expecting to be cared for and accommodated by the locals, or anyone else.

Assuming your ancestors weren't indigenous to Canada, how did they get there?


Audioholic Field Marshall
Since we're throwing these generalizations around...

Every black man is a pot-smoking gang banger.

Every white man is a racist white-hood wearing uneducated redneck.

The difference is that they didn't come here expecting to be cared for and accommodated by the locals, or anyone else.
You're right, they didn't. They just infected with disease, massacred, drove out, and subjugated the native people. Hmm... maybe these Mexicans are learning from us! LOL!!! :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
to somebody who has the alternative of watching his kids starve. do you think an arbitrary man's law is really going to matter? would it really matter to you? is this really what you would think when you tuck your kid in at night and he was hungry as hell?? daddy cares more about arbitrary laws than your welfare... good night son.
Why do you call it an arbitrary law? At many borders a person would get shot for crossing without the proper papers. Who would feed his kids then? All we're doing is asking them to fill out the forms. I know that's a lot to ask, but here we are asking.

My wife came from a family with very little money. They had no electricity, or running water. She didn't own her first pair of shoes until she was 18. And even those were old shoes that a relative had given her. She worked full time, 6 days a week to bring home $20USD. Often, they skipped meals because they didn't have food or money to buy it. They would work all night making things to sell on the side for a little extra cash. Most of the food they ate came for the farm her father worked. But she didn't enter our country until she could do it legally. You see, she respects the law and doesn't want to break it. Nothing burns her up more than to hear about people who entered here illegally complaining about something here. You should see her face turn red as she yells at the TV.

By the way, you still have yet to answer my question. I'll ask a third time. Have they TRIED to do it right? Have they TRIED to fill out the forms? These forms come in many languages. They are not hard questions either. An example is: Have you ever broken the law? Hmmm... Maybe that is a tough one to answer at that.


Audioholic Spartan
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Geez the "pursuit of Happiness" is an "inalienable Right". Where was that quote from again? :rolleyes:
"Pursuit of happiness" is not a free ticket to break the law to get it. Duh...


Audioholic Spartan
Well,I'll agree that you've got a bit of a problem but I don't like the demonizing of these people. They are human beings trying to get ahead and that is exactly what your founding fathers were talking about when they said "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
While they are on that pursuit, could they take a minute and fill out the forms needed for entry? Otherwise, they are criminals.


Audioholic Overlord
Since we're throwing these generalizations around...

Every black man is a pot-smoking gang banger.

Every white man is a racist white-hood wearing uneducated redneck.

You're right, they didn't. They just infected with disease, massacred, drove out, and subjugated the native people. Hmm... maybe these Mexicans are learning from us! LOL!!! :rolleyes:
Oh so what about the native americans or asians?


Audioholic General
Since we're throwing these generalizations around...

Every black man is a pot-smoking gang banger.

Every white man is a racist white-hood wearing uneducated redneck.

You're right, they didn't. They just infected with disease, massacred, drove out, and subjugated the native people. Hmm... maybe these Mexicans are learning from us! LOL!!! :rolleyes:

But why stop there? Why not include the third Reich? The invading Mongol hoards, the Romans, the Egyptians who enslaved the Jews…etal. Human history is wrought with improprieties and wrong doings, but unless someone figures out how to time travel into the past to right these wrongs, the best we can do is learn from these past misgivings, and do the best we can in the here and now, a.k.a. the present to make things just and fair for everyone. Do I feel bad for the oppressed, starving and down trodden people in the world? YES! Is it my fault they’re in the state they’re in? NO! Is it written somewhere that’s it’s my duty as a citizen of the United States to feed, clothe, educate & care for these people? NO! The people coming over the border are parasites, leeching off the resources I and many others have worked very hard for, only to have a portion of our paycheck taken away from us to give to these people who did nothing to earn it.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't think it's a good thing we have illegal immigrants here and I think we need a good guest worker program in order to solve this issue. Problem is that no one in Washington is proposing reasonable solutions. Amnesty bills are stupid and a waste of time. Building a fence is also useless and a waste of money. We all learned how to climb fences as children.;) I think a guest worker program combined with a crackdown on businesses that try to circumvent the program is an effective solution. I don't think we have issues with folks coming here to work hard and contribute to our betterment. But crime shouldn't be tolerated. I also think fines should be levied on folks already here illegally that came as adults before a guest worker permit is granted.

I remind people every nation on earth has immigration and border issues even the Soviet's did.


Audioholic Overlord
I think that costume is funny as hell. If some people are offended, they can go fook themselves.

Oh, to clarify a point that someone tried to make earlier, there's a difference between "illegal immigrants" and "guest workers". A big difference.


Seriously, I have no life.
Since we're throwing these generalizations around...

Every black man is a pot-smoking gang banger.

Every white man is a racist white-hood wearing uneducated redneck.

You're right, they didn't. They just infected with disease, massacred, drove out, and subjugated the native people. Hmm... maybe these Mexicans are learning from us! LOL!!! :rolleyes:
Actually, the settlers and colonists didn't usually have problems with the native people unless or until the native people had a problem with them first. Gen. Washington said, wrote and made it known that he wanted them wiped out after they switched sides in several instances during the Revolutionary War and it was usually because they were promised one thing and received something else or were told things that weren't true. The British gave them food, supplies and paid them more, so they just took the best offer. They didn't see the Colonial forces as having much chance of winning the war, either.

The diseases weren't always transferred intentionally, but they definitely were once the public opinion turned.

Who's throwing generalizations around? I posted statistics. I said that not all of any group is good and by extension, that has to mean that not all are bad.

You forgot Asians, Middle Eastern people and Native Americans in your examples.

Show a group who didn't go to a new place and try to take over. Go ahead- I'll wait.

People like to control their situation and always have. Even if we only go back 3000 years, the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Huns, Mongols, Dynastic Chinese, Japanese, Anglos, Saxons, Vikings, Native Americans encountering others, Pacific Islanders and the rest of European explorers who were trying to find trade routes to China all tried and succeeded in establishing relationships with the people they met, with the intention of exploiting them. If it took killing most of them, so be it. If they needed to kill them in order to convert them to a new religion, so be it. If they needed to interbreed, so be it.


Full Audioholic
That first sentence by you is the one that actually hurts more than anything else, I remember the first time I saw the mexicans doing this, also laying the American Flag in the street and pouring beer on it then stomping it,spitting on it,all that came to mind at that instant was the thoughts of my Father and his time spent fighting for this country, the loss of my two Uncles in Vietnam while they too were supporting our country, my friends that are right now serving in our military , to make our country the greatest place on this planet.I teared up and then filled with rage how could they do that while living here how could they display such disgusting actions down right disgusting, horrible actions. I feel ill just thinking about it, :mad:
White people do the same thing to the flag, focusing on some Mexicans doing it is useless.


Seriously, I have no life.
White people do the same thing to the flag, focusing on some Mexicans doing it is useless.
I'm pretty sure that if someone goes to any other country and does this to that country's flag, they won't be greeted with hugs and handshakes unless they just happen to meet up with the minority who hates their own country enough to think it's OK.


Full Audioholic
All we're doing is asking them to fill out the forms. I know that's a lot to ask, but here we are asking.
No. It's extremely obvious that a lot of people here don't understand the immigration process. You don't fill out a few forms, wait a while, and then boom you're a citizen. If you don't have immediate family already legally here or an employer sponser then there's no guarantee you'll EVER get permission to become a citizen (you most likely will NOT), and the fees and other cost requirements are extremely prohibitive for most people from Mexico, where the minimum wage is about 4 dollars per DAY.

For you to repeatedly say "just fill out the forms" is ridiculous and demonstrates your ignorance of the situation.
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Audioholic General
This whole thread amuses me as African-Americans and Native Americans are pretty much the only people that didn't immigrate to the US somewhat illicitly. (Well, African-Americans didn't quite immigrate.)

Most people posting in this thread descended from illegal/semi-legal immigrants even if they "think" their ancestors came here perfectly in the clear.


Audioholic Samurai
White people do the same thing to the flag, focusing on some Mexicans doing it is useless.
Just your meaningless opinion.
Focussing on mexicans and or any other people doing it is only useless if they are legal to be here, I guess.
But dont misunderstand what I am saying I do not , will not ever condone those actions, it is despicable.


Full Audioholic
I'm pretty sure that if someone goes to any other country and does this to that country's flag, they won't be greeted with hugs and handshakes unless they just happen to meet up with the minority who hates their own country enough to think it's OK.
Maybe you should move to a country that doesn't have freedom of speech then. Maybe China?

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