Since we're throwing these generalizations around...
Every black man is a pot-smoking gang banger.
Every white man is a racist white-hood wearing uneducated redneck.
You're right, they didn't. They just infected with disease, massacred, drove out, and subjugated the native people. Hmm... maybe these Mexicans are learning from us! LOL!!!
Actually, the settlers and colonists didn't usually have problems with the native people unless or until the native people had a problem with them first. Gen. Washington said, wrote and made it known that he wanted them wiped out after they switched sides in several instances during the Revolutionary War and it was usually because they were promised one thing and received something else or were told things that weren't true. The British gave them food, supplies and paid them more, so they just took the best offer. They didn't see the Colonial forces as having much chance of winning the war, either.
The diseases weren't always transferred intentionally, but they definitely were once the public opinion turned.
Who's throwing generalizations around? I posted statistics. I said that not all of any group is good and by extension, that has to mean that not all are bad.
You forgot Asians, Middle Eastern people and Native Americans in your examples.
Show a group who didn't go to a new place and try to take over. Go ahead- I'll wait.
People like to control their situation and always have. Even if we only go back 3000 years, the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Huns, Mongols, Dynastic Chinese, Japanese, Anglos, Saxons, Vikings, Native Americans encountering others, Pacific Islanders and the rest of European explorers who were trying to find trade routes to China all tried and succeeded in establishing relationships with the people they met, with the intention of exploiting them. If it took killing most of them, so be it. If they needed to kill them in order to convert them to a new religion, so be it. If they needed to interbreed, so be it.