Illegal Alien Costume causing uproar.....



to somebody who has the alternative of watching his kids starve. do you think an arbitrary man's law is really going to matter? would it really matter to you? is this really what you would think when you tuck your kid in at night and he was hungry as hell?? daddy cares more about arbitrary laws than your welfare... good night son.
Kids starving so daddy has to come here to save them, please stop with the dramatics. I've been to a couple third world countries in my time and Mexico is no where near the bottom nor is there a food shortage. They are taking advantage of an unsecured border at the U.S taxpayers expense because the legal way is deemed "too difficult". Then they have the gull to demand certain rights when they get here.


I would blame that on the structure of the health care system. Canada doesn't seem to have much of a problem with that.

Because Canada doesn't have millions of Mexicans flooding their hospitals.


Junior Audioholic
I’m 47 years old, and I have worked since I was 15. I’ve been married nearly 23 years and have two kids. My wife & I have gone through schooling and work for a living. My kids are fed, clothed and have some niceties because we earn the money for these things, and pay taxes. We have debt like most everyone, but we take care of it ourselves, as we should. We abide by the laws set forth by our law makers and I abhor people who sponge off the system, or feel it’s the responsibility of the citizens of the United States to feed & care for them. You want to “call BS on that” then go right ahead – I call BS on the whole premise of your argument.
I didn't say you didn't have a job or that you didn't pay taxes... that sounds like a deeper issue that you internalized. what I'm wondering is the following: how would you have worked when you were 15 if there were no jobs and would you have just sat there and starved and died if it were illegal for you to find work?

sounds to me like you are mad at some of our citizens more than the guys standing by home depot; at least you know without a doubt that anyone by the home depot wants to work. I don't like the mooching off my taxes anymore than anyone else; like I said earlier, I'm all for going to the government housing projects and deporting those losers. the only BS I called was that I believe most people would be more dedicated to the survival and welfare of their kids than they are to "the lawmakers" when **** really hits the fan. Silly me, I thought that had been proven 5720983720298702 times throughout history.


Audioholic General
I didn't say you didn't have a job or that you didn't pay taxes... that sounds like a deeper issue that you internalized. what I'm wondering is the following: how would you have worked when you were 15 if there were no jobs and would you have just sat there and starved and died if it were illegal for you to find work?

sounds to me like you are mad at some of our citizens more than the guys standing by home depot; at least you know without a doubt that anyone by the home depot wants to work. I don't like the mooching off my taxes anymore than anyone else; like I said earlier, I'm all for going to the government housing projects and deporting those losers. the only BS I called was that I believe most people would be more dedicated to the survival and welfare of their kids than they are to "the lawmakers" when **** really hits the fan. Silly me, I thought that had been proven 5720983720298702 times throughout history.
No no, silly me, I guess I just have too much respect for myself & others, because I choose to do things the right way. And if I sound mad, I am – and that’s my prerogative & right.

(Why am I arguing with someone who found it necessary to share the color of his rump?)
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Junior Audioholic
Kids starving so daddy has to come here to save them, please stop with the dramatics. I've been to a couple third world countries in my time and Mexico is no where near the bottom nor is there a food shortage. They are taking advantage of an unsecured border at the U.S taxpayers expense because the legal way is deemed "too difficult". Then they have the gull to demand certain rights when they get here.
there are people dying by the hundreds in the deserts trying to get here... it's very hard for me to imagine that happens because due to laziness and not wanting to go through the process.


Junior Audioholic
No no, silly me, I guess I just have too much respect for myself & others, because I choose to do things the right way
aw come on. I know it's a political thread, but I can't let you off the hook after you completely dodged my questions. :cool:


Audioholic Samurai
to somebody who has the alternative of watching his kids starve. do you think an arbitrary man's law is really going to matter? would it really matter to you? is this really what you would think when you tuck your kid in at night and he was hungry as hell?? daddy cares more about arbitrary laws than your welfare... good night son.
You are trying to make the point that these people have no other option, which is not the case.

Law and order are the foundation of a civilized society. Would you have people from other countries coming here doing whatever they wanted? And the only reason they came here is because their country is awful and lawless? I wonder how it got that way? From the very people that would break our laws and disregard our heritage and replace it with their own. How long would it be till the US became like Mexico, Brazil, or Cuba if we all thought as you do when it comes to what laws are arbitrary and what ones really matter?


By that same premise then are you suggesting there should be no laws at all – people can just do whatever they want, right? In a similar thread some time ago one of the members here remarked on the fact that his wife worked in the ER at a hospital on a border town. She watched as people who had lived in the US all their lives were turned away from the emergency room because it was full of illegal immigrants flooding the ER not with real emergencies, but wanting free healthcare. So much for my “weak analogy” :rolleyes:
It’s convenient going through life with blinders on to protect your point of view, isn't it?
The situation would be no different if those people were legally residing in the states; you're referring to a weakness in the health care system. The problem here is NOT illegal immigration.


Audioholic General
how would you have worked when you were 15 if there were no jobs and would you have just sat there and starved and died if it were illegal for you to find work?

aw come on. I know it's a political thread, but I can't let you off the hook after you completely dodged my questions. :cool:
OK fine, I’ll answer the question – I would have found some legitimate and legal means to feed myself. Do you honestly believe no such means exist in Mexico?
Now answer this question – where is it written that it is the legal responsibility of the citizens of the US to feed & care for citizens of Mexico?


Audioholic General
The situation would be no different if those people were legally residing in the states; you're referring to a weakness in the health care system. The problem here is NOT illegal immigration.
Then what is the problem?


Junior Audioholic
You are trying to make the point that these people have no other option, which is not the case.

Law and order are the foundation of a civilized society. Would you have people from other countries coming here doing whatever they wanted? And the only reason they came here is because their country is awful and lawless? I wonder how it got that way? From the very people that would break our laws and disregard our heritage and replace it with their own. How long would it be till the US became like Mexico, Brazil, or Cuba if we all thought as you do when it comes to what laws are arbitrary and what ones really matter?
ok, they may have other options, but they chose the one involving the possibility of death. my only conclusion is that they are all retards in your eyes.

well, I can't really argue with xenophobic thinking. so I'll let you have the irrational fear of losing your self identity as a counter point, but god forbid our country become based on the thoughts of a bunch of lawless, tax-dodging, tea-stealing bastards who wouldn't listen to authority figures or fight in a straight line. oh, the horror.

OK fine, I’ll answer the question – I would have found some legitimate and legal means to feed myself. Do you honestly believe no such means exist in Mexico?
Now answer this question – where is it written that it is the legal responsibility of the citizens of the US to feed & care for citizens of Mexico?
I have no idea, I don't want to feed & care for them anymore than you do. I'm also not sure why "they are not doing it because they are lazy or because they are burglars" is the same as "let's welcome them all in and give 'em a buffet at the bellagio forever". I just don't see how you're ever going to come to a solution based on "well, it's illegal, so don't do it" when people are demonstrably willing to die.


Audioholic General
ok, they may have other options, but they chose the one involving the possibility of death. my only conclusion is that they are all retards in your eyes.

well, I can't really argue with xenophobic thinking. so I'll let you have the irrational fear of losing your self identity as a counter point, but god forbid our country become based on the thoughts of a bunch of lawless, tax-dodging, tea-stealing bastards who wouldn't listen to authority figures or fight in a straight line. oh, the horror.

Do you even see how you take peoples words, skew & change them around and then spew them out in nonsensical rhetoric while trying to make a point?


Junior Audioholic
no, I don't see that.
please explain when and where I did that, using quotes.


Audioholic General
no, I don't see that.
please explain when and where I did that, using quotes.
Re-read your posts where you (mis)quote other peoples posts, although I doubt your ability to see the truth


I'm not going to call BS, but I'm going to say that this argument is irrelevant. I don't believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to sponge off of the system, but I also don't believe that illegal immigrants should be illegal. Citizenship should require a certain amount of work, but residency or working permits should be as simple as coming to the border, passing a background check, and being let through. The idea that this is "our" country is absurd. It belongs to nobody; it's our duty to protect it, but not to determine to gets to come in and try to fend for themselves.

It is our country. We are legal citizens and our tax dollars go to protect & support our country.

It can become another's country as well so long as they are willing to follow the legal process of becoming a citizen of this country.

Because one works here does not give them a say in how the country should be governed or allow them to reap any benefits that it's citizens can not even access.


ok, they may have other options, but they chose the one involving the possibility of death. my only conclusion is that they are all retards in your eyes.

well, I can't really argue with xenophobic thinking. so I'll let you have the irrational fear of losing your self identity as a counter point, but god forbid our country become based on the thoughts of a bunch of lawless, tax-dodging, tea-stealing bastards who wouldn't listen to authority figures or fight in a straight line. oh, the horror.

I have no idea, I don't want to feed & care for them anymore than you do. I'm also not sure why "they are not doing it because they are lazy or because they are burglars" is the same as "let's welcome them all in and give 'em a buffet at the bellagio forever". I just don't see how you're ever going to come to a solution based on "well, it's illegal, so don't do it" when people are demonstrably willing to die.
Your conclusions are asinine. Just because they choose an illegal option that could possibly involved death by hiking miles through the desert doesn't mean they made a smart decision or should receive a pardon for their illegal actions. It doesn't justify their actions.

There has to be checks and balances in citizenship, our resources are not infinite if you haven't noticed (8 trillion or so for a National debt). Once again, it's not our responsibility to pander to these illegal aliens needs.

It's not only economical concerns, they also take away value by weakening the legal and national security envi*ronment. When three out of every 100 people in America are undocumented (or, rather, docu*mented with forged and faked papers), there is a profound security problem. Even though they pose no direct security threat, the presence of millions of undocumented migrants distorts the law, distracts resources, and effectively creates a cover for terror*ists and criminals.


Seriously, I have no life.
ok, they may have other options, but they chose the one involving the possibility of death. my only conclusion is that they are all retards in your eyes.

well, I can't really argue with xenophobic thinking. so I'll let you have the irrational fear of losing your self identity as a counter point, but god forbid our country become based on the thoughts of a bunch of lawless, tax-dodging, tea-stealing bastards who wouldn't listen to authority figures or fight in a straight line. oh, the horror.

I have no idea, I don't want to feed & care for them anymore than you do. I'm also not sure why "they are not doing it because they are lazy or because they are burglars" is the same as "let's welcome them all in and give 'em a buffet at the bellagio forever". I just don't see how you're ever going to come to a solution based on "well, it's illegal, so don't do it" when people are demonstrably willing to die.
Assuming you're referring to the Colonists when you posted " but god forbid our country become based on the thoughts of a bunch of lawless, tax-dodging, tea-stealing bastards who wouldn't listen to authority figures or fight in a straight line.", you seem to be a Loyalist or don't know American history. They weren't lawless, they were opposed to some of the laws they didn't agree were appropriate and were enacted by people who didn't even live here. As far as tax dodging, that's not even close. The phrase "taxation without representation" is awfully similar to what we're going through now. Our government represents some, but hardly everyone well. Lobbyists have more favors thrown their way than taxpayers. Our government is designing a life for us that not all of us want, need or can afford. The Tea Tax was exorbitant and only served to piss off the Colonists to the point that they decided to destroy the tea to avoid paying the tax and to make the British think it was done by the local Indians. No point in telling them exactly who did it, right? A lot of the taxation by England was to refill the Crown's coffers after the SEven Years War.


Seriously, I have no life.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Geez the "pursuit of Happiness" is an "inalienable Right". Where was that quote from again? :rolleyes:
How about if we send a number of illegals to Canada, in a number that's proportionate to your country's total current population? You want an extra 1.2 million people (based on the estimates that the US has around 12 million and population that's close to ten times that of Canada) using your country's services & resources and not paying for them, not paying their share of taxes and sending a helluva lot of money to their relatives in Mexico? Let's see how well Canada manages then, eh?

If you feel that a country has no right to protect their sovereignty or borders from invaders, open the gates and tell Mexico and all of the other countries that everyone is welcome. You want the additional crime we have to deal with? You want the unlicensed drivers killing people because they either don't give a rat's azz about knowing traffic laws or because they can't read the signs? You want the gangs? How about the neighborhoods that were nice and clean and now have cars parked on lawns, houses trashed and lead flying all around while kids are playing in the yards? You think your insurance rates will stay where they are when that many people who won't obey our laws commit so many property crimes and drive like A-holes?

You want that? You can have it.
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Seriously, I have no life.
To nobody in particular-

I see people from the US and other countries telling us that much of the US once belonged to Mexico so Mexicans should be allowed to come here if they want. That's such a useless comment it's incredible. By that logic, I should be able to go to England without any resistance because some of my ancestors came from there. Mexicans wouldn't even be speaking a variation of Spanish if Spain hadn't sent the Conquistadors there to claim anything they found in the name of their King (try to think about what 'Conquistador' actually means). They raped, pillaged and slaughtered their way throughout the SW part of what is now the US and all of what's now Mexico, Central and South America, interbreeding and spreading diseases to people who had no immunity to them.

I'm sure the Native people would have been quite content if people from Spain and Portugal had never shown up. I'm also quite sure the Native people of Canada would have been just as happy if the French, Dutch and English had never gone there. Try to remember- It was Europeans who came here and settled this country. Their attitudes and beliefs were in place long ago and have morphed over time. As much as it pains some people to read it, the European idea of Manifest Destiny caused most of this to happen. It's not just Americans who seem to like killing everyone they meet.

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