I think it's more about human nature but maybe, if we weren't so 'thinky', it could happen.
I'm pretty sure this all started when Og told Og Jr to clean the cave and Jr asked "Why?".
You raise a very good point. Forums such as these bring a diverse group together. The generational issue is a factor -- and one that is accentuated when the problem children start operating in a world where their lack of knowledge or critical thinking doesn't automatically earn them accolades.
You see this play out when peoples' deep held beliefs are seriously challenged by science or logic. They feel threatened to the core. Lacking in the critical thinking skills to move forward, they retrench into their own reality, which isolates them further.
They soon stop participating in group discourse because, frankly, it frightens them. They soon start sniping from the sidelines in ways that minimize their exposure to belief system challenges.
This is similar the terrorist/extremist who is typically young (~25 or younger),socially displaced (2nd generation with traditional values at home and progressive ones in society),sometimes afflicted by mental or substance abuse problems (very, very common),and willing to employ extraordinary means (outside of prevailing rules of the societies within which they reside)) in the hope of reestablishing control.
If we deny them that control, then they simply have no power. Granted they will cause a mess along the way, but they will go away... either literally (leave) or figuratively (change accounts/identities).
So the sniping from the bushes or changing accounts is a good thing in a way... it signals that they are on a path to irrelevance.
That's why I love getting sniped at from guys like Out Of Phase. It's a sign that they have no control and are on the path to "losing it".