adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I guess Hypicane Irene didn't get the memo. Seems like the storm didn't exactly deliver what the media promised.
Well I guess you can make an uneducated comment like that if you did not live in an area that was affected. I have many friends that lost their homes and are lucky to be alive. You probably would have also *****ed if the all the precautions were not taken and we had another Katrina. Nice. Really nice.:rolleyes:
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Sorry if I'm a bit cranky about this right now. The town I work in is a disaster area. There was a flash flood that took out the bridges on both sides of the town and a house was literally floating down the main road. Very ugly. I'm obviously not going to be at work for a few days so I am waiting for a call to see how and when I can get down there to help.


Audioholic Jedi
Craig, I hope that every one there comes out okay. Loosing a home has got to be a scary thing - I'm lucky that I've never experienced that, but I can imagine. Hopefully the community pulls together and helps out those that lost so much.


Audioholic Warlord
We got 4-4.5" of rain. Lots of wind. (mostly from midnight through 4am) a few leaks in the basement (unfinished). Not bad.
Let's see...cut back on the beans. And, for heavens sake man - don't you have a bathroom!?

Went over to the mother-in-law's to pump 8-10inches out of their basement.
I was gonna make a joke about that statement, but that would be a bit over the top.:eek:

Glad to hear it was pretty much uneventful for the AHer's that have checked in.
Our clothesline came down. Does that count?:D

To all who suffered significant damage, you have my sympathy.


Don't get too comfortable...

Now that my fellow AH'rs from the Northeast have had a little taste of a hurricane, you can start worrying about the next one coming down the pipe.

They do have the uncanny ability to follow each other down the same path. :mad:


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about the damage and hardship.
I'm still amazed we didn't lose power this time; considering all the recent thunder storms when we did. I think that's what saved us this time, since any weak trees were already taken down by storms in July.
We ventured out to the beach yesterday and today. Many traffic signals still aren't working and the Spring Lake, NJ board walk where we do our jogging has about one third of it washed away.:eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Sorry to hear about the damage and hardship.
I'm still amazed we didn't lose power this time; considering all the recent thunder storms when we did. I think that's what saved us this time, since any weak trees were already taken down by storms in July.
We ventured out to the beach yesterday and today. Many traffic signals still aren't working and the Spring Lake, NJ board walk where we do our jogging has about one third of it washed away.:eek:
Not to sound callous, but Spring Lake can afford it. Heck, you can't go on the beach unless you live in town.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about the damage and hardship.
I'm still amazed we didn't lose power this time; considering all the recent thunder storms when we did. I think that's what saved us this time, since any weak trees were already taken down by storms in July.
We ventured out to the beach yesterday and today. Many traffic signals still aren't working and the Spring Lake, NJ board walk where we do our jogging has about one third of it washed away.:eek:
:confused: Do you hold a beer in each hand so you are balanced and don't jog in a circle?:p


Audioholic Spartan
Not to sound callous, but Spring Lake can afford it. Heck, you can't go on the beach unless you live in town.
They just charge a nominal beach fee to keep the Benneys away.:D


Audioholic Overlord
good to see it weaken. It could have been a lot worse.


Audioholic Spartan
Not to sound callous, but Spring Lake can afford it. Heck, you can't go on the beach unless you live in town.
Anybody can get on the beach, they do charge a fee though.


Audioholic Jedi
Not to be confused with a betty, which guys love to see at the beach. :)

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