

Audioholic General
Getting pretty good rainfall right now in Sunnyside, Queens, NYC, but nothing that would worry me if I didn't know the forecast.

And screw you, TV weather guy who said the peak tornado risk would start at 4am. Screw you!


Full Audioholic
Stay safe all. Those close to the water please be careful of the surge and flooding. Wind isn't everything in hurricanes. Ivan hammered us in 2004 and some peole had 8 feet of water inside their homes.

Bed down, stay inside and good luck.


Audioholic Spartan

Here ya go Major, they
said they will stay open right
on through the storm,:D.
See...people are being nice to each other.
This place is willing to give over $17. to anyone willing to drink Bud or Bud lite.:D:)


Audioholic Spartan
Stimulating the Economy.

Well that was one way to stimulate the economy.:confused::D
Windy (by no means hurricane force) with moderate to heavy steady rain, lightening off in the distance. A tornado watch west of us that ended around 5:AM. The wind seemed to not be at ground level but 20 to 30ft up.
I wonder if they'll change the name from Irene to "Emperor's New Clothes"


Audioholic Overlord
Hey Rick!

Channel 2 just had a broadcast from outside your favorite restaurant in Asbury, the one on the boardwalk just north of the Casino. Lotsa sand, wind and water. No people though. Smart.

I see ya still have power.


Audioholic Spartan

This is old.... it's an example of the kind of reporting I've noticed yesterday and last night.
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Audioholic Spartan
Well that was a dud.....heavy breeze with steady rain.
I started to think something was up when they showed a picture of a junk carport and some lawn furniture blown over, and that's all they showed....repeatedly.
Two deaths were reported....but it was a guy that had a heart attack boarding up windows, the other a surfer. They would repeatedly scroll on the bottom of the screen "DEATH FROM HURRICANE IRENE!"
Store shelves were empty.
How many millions of dollars do you think frenzied consumers spent?
All the ice was sold out. I had to make a mixed drink without ice:eek:....Dam you Irene!!:eek::D


Audioholic Spartan
My wife has hanging plants in the back yard on Shepard's hooks.
I forgot to take them in. So, she looks out the back window in a panic, telling me the plants will become dangerous projectiles:eek:......you know.....because the guy on the news told her so. The same one that told her to buy water, bread, milk, batteries, tape, ice, dry ice, plywood, a generator, canned food, snacks, etc.
Oh....the plants are still there hanging safely on their hooks.:cool::D


Audioholic Slumlord
My wife has hanging plants in the back yard on Shepard's hooks.
I forgot to take them in. So, she looks out the back window in a panic, telling me the plants will become dangerous projectiles:eek:......you know.....because the guy on the news told her so. The same one that told her to buy water, bread, milk, batteries, tape, ice, dry ice, plywood, a generator, canned food, snacks, etc.
Oh....the plants are still there hanging safely on their hooks.:cool::D
You left the plants hanging with an imminent hurricane bearing down on you? :confused:
Not for nuthin' but I'm gonna have to side with Marie on this one. :p
... and I'm telling on you. :eek:


Republican Poster Boy
Overhyped like most everything reported by the faux media and faux reporters.


Audioholic Jedi
I sure hope that the predictions don't pan out in the Boston area. My brother and his family are fairly prepared, but they've got some large trees that could do serious damage to their home if the wind blows them into it.


Audioholic Slumlord
We got through the night without major problem - a big tree right outside the windows was hitting against the windows - a bit of scare but nothing happen.
Some water penetration would need to be addressed, but otherwise as I expected - nothing major happen. We have sunshine outside and barely any wind at all


Audioholic Slumlord
We have sunshine outside and barely any wind at all
I think that's called the eye of the storm. Put the sun screen away until round #2 is over.

Edit: Uhmmm ... you should probably get ready for the wind to come from the other side now.


Audioholic Overlord
From the looks of the radar shots, everything south of the eye is nothing. All the fury was in the leading edge. It's a bit windy right now but the rain stopped about two hours ago.

The cellar took in a bit of water but that's not unusual with heavy rains, and this was a lot heavier than usual.

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