Wanna bet?
1. Mains: 50Hz to 12.5kHz +/-3dB. My mains: 48Hz to 30kHz +/-3dB. Um, looks to me like my towers go both lower and higher than those listed.
2. Surrounds (back and side): 40Hz to 20kHz (+?/-10dB). My surrounds: 80Hz to 30kHz +/-3dB. Now granted, my surrounds don't go as low, but who cares when they're crossed at 80Hz anyway? Obviously mine go higher. Lots higher.
3. Subwoofers (THX ones only): 30Hz to5kHz (+?/-10dB). My sub: 36Hz to 150Hz +/-3dB Granted, my sub doesn't go up to 5kHz, but who cares when my towers go up to 30kHz? Any yes, my sub may be shy of 30Hz by 6Hz, but my spec is +/-3dB. When the THX speakers are brought into this range, I'll bet my own equal or go deeper than the THX's (and my own don't go nearly as low as some of those listed on this site).
Ha! Take that you white fluffy animal!