I have a bit of a different take on this. (What's new, lol). Please know that I'm old enough to remember when Saturday matinees were a dime and you got 2 movies, a great cartoon, AND a newsreel.("This is John Cameron Swazee coming to you from Korea.")
Many of the posts herein rebel against the cost, inconveniences, ads/commercials, disruptions, and quality of commercial theaters (theatres for Buckle-miser). Well lemme tell ya:
COST...I would venture that all of you who regularly post on this forum have spent MUCH more money on your HT's than you have going to all the movies you've seen, and will see, in your lifetime...food included, even if you hadn't purchased an HT.
INCONVENIENCE...This may be your only valid complaint. I find I am more prone to burp, fart, wear something other than pajamas, etc. when I'm home watching, as opposed to being around other people at a theater. On the other hand, it's kinda nice to get together with friends for an outing of a movie and dinner, once in a while (farting NOT allowed).
ADS...I can't remember the last time I bought a DVD that
didn't have commercials and government warnings on it (which you're NOT allowed to skip).
DISRUPTIONS...C'mon people. You have all kinds of interruptions of your movies at home...phone calls, bathroom breaks (while others wait), door visitors, little Johnny's broken toe, etc. Granted you can hit the Pause button...but it's
still an interruption.
QUALITY...Well, this is a bit ticklish. I doubt most of you have audio equipment and screen size that can come near matching that available in most theaters. (I know...Gene does.

) And being as old as dirt, I can tell you that the presentation of movies in commercial theaters has never been better. No more flapping fill rolls. No more scratchy vids and audio tracks. Broken speakers? In 60 years of movie-going, I've never heard one.
Granted, I live in a small, rural community, but the "problems" should be the same here as where you live. We almost always pick times to go to the movies that coincide with kids being in school! (You gotta outwit them, sometimes.

) That's usually during the daytime, too, so we get cheap matinee prices. And one last thought....I cannot ever ever ever make slimy, buttery popcorn any better than I get in most theaters. Anyone out there with a foolproof recipe, please let me know.
Much good cheer and happy New Year to all.