How much do you invested in cables?

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I meant that "noonish" comment as a prediction of when it would need to be locked.

So far so good.:cool:


Audioholic Samurai
I meant that "noonish" comment as a prediction of when it would need to be locked.

So far so good.:cool:
It's only because Chad hasn't been around for a bit to throw out more demeaning and uncalled-for posts to further fan the flames. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Ahhh... damn. Well, "When in the Steam Vent, prepare to do battle" It does get hot in here from time to time, but outright name-calling and condescending attitude I felt warranted a bit more than the usual "Oh no you did-n't" approach. Hence, red chicklet (or whatever those things are called). :p
Well, I found the terminology that Alex was referring to. And I agree with you Halon.

In all fairness to the op, he wrote "retarted." Maybe that's a tart, turned to pie, changed back into a tart. :p


It's only because Chad hasn't been around for a bit to throw out more demeaning and uncalled-for posts to further fan the flames. :D
Well in my time zone I still have two more hours for my prediction come true.:p


Audioholic Ninja
I disagree on picking the topic,where did the OP ever ask anything about any difference being heard with different cables,the OP did not start the controversy.

I agree on trolling but i dont agree that it was Chad doing the trolling,i know this person & the last thing i'd call him is a troll,he's a hobbiest that enjoys our shared hobby.

The trolling starts the same way every time,cables are just the most recent,the catch words are Levinson,Krell,Mcintosh,Turntable,Tubes,Cables ect,the mere mention of any of these words reel's em in like a lake trout,then the thread ultimately sinks to the standard responses ,where guys say no matter how rich they were they'd never buy whatever is being discussed because X is a better value over Y:rolleyes:.

If the mere mention of something a person dissagree's with compels them to hijack a thread thats my definition of a troll,notice how most of the responses had nothing to do with the thread title.

It's gotten like watching a bunch of school yard bullies take these threads over .
The problem occurs when a relatively new poster starts off a thread by asking a question, then flatly saying that anyone who doesn't agree with his views has nothing to add to the discussion.


Audioholic Samurai
The problem occurs when a relatively new poster starts off a thread by asking a question, then flatly saying that anyone who doesn't agree with his views has nothing to add to the discussion.
Exactly - this thread was doomed from the moment the OP spit out demeaning and derogatory comments towards anyone who didn't agree with his f'ed up sense of logic. What else did he expect to happen?


Audioholic Ninja
This thread went on a 90 degree tangent, but ironically it's a merry-go-round. We go through this type of "cables are this, cables are that" routine once in a while. This one though, got a bit rough around the edges, oh well live and learn. He'll keep believing his shtick and keep the Snake oil companies doing business.


Audioholic Samurai
This thread went on a 90 degree tangent, but ironically it's a merry-go-round. We go through this type of "cables are this, cables are that" routine once in a while. This one though, got a bit rough around the edges, oh well live and learn. He'll keep believing his shtick and keep the Snake oil companies doing business.
Yes, strat. But why would the op post a cable question in the vent, rather than the cable forum, where it arguably belongs? This is yet another tangent worthy of discussion. :p


Yes, strat. But why would the op post a cable question in the vent, rather than the cable forum, where it arguably belongs? This is yet another tangent worthy of discussion. :p
It was in the cable section and still is(the cleaned up version), I moved the rest of the thread here when it went OT.


Senior Audioholic
Its not my fault if John and others may have a possible case of mild Retardation, I bet the short bus driver hates cleaning up where people lick the windows..


Audioholic Ninja
Its not my fault if John and others may have a possible case of mild Retardation, I bet the short bus driver hates cleaning up where people lick the windows..
It was fun having you



Audioholic Samurai
Why is it that I always end up being the recipient of fan mail? My fan club just grows and grows, doesn't it? :p

No matter, I've learned to grow a much thicker skin over the years. Anything substantive to contribute Chad? Anything at all?

You could at least have the courtesy to thank me for informing you on the correct spelling of retardation, despite the fact that you've used it on me. :eek::confused:


Senior Audioholic
Why yes John as a matter of fact I have a pretty blue ribbon here for you, and it is yours for being so "special"


Audioholic Samurai
Why yes John as a matter of fact I have a pretty blue ribbon here for you, and it is yours for being so "special"
1) A comma, showing a pause, is necessary after "Why," and "John."
2) A period, showing termination, is necessitated after "special."

and from your previous post, "retardation" neither commences a sentence, nor is it a proper noun, so capitalization is improper. :)


Audioholic Samurai
Its not my fault if John and others may have a possible case of mild Retardation, I bet the short bus driver hates cleaning up where people lick the windows..
(Applause)... You go girl! Even when you know your goose is cooked, you go down swinging! I have to say I am impressed with your "spirit". :D
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