Now, considering we are trying to make peace within the world (hopefully), why sit here and spew venom and fire over something like a postage stamp? There are bigger things to worry about than a stamp, it's just another example of people wasting their time on insignificant things instead of looking at the big picture.
Not my point at all. I simply find it rather silly to get upset about a stamp.
Big deal! Only radicals seem to get bent out of shape over those stamps. Obviously the government's purpose was not to honor those responsible for 9/11 and such
BINGO! Praise Allah, someone finally gets it
Prejudice is far from dead and stupidity runs amok
For crying out loud, it's just a stamp
You know - this is a get the f### over it issue. Really - grow up You want to sound like an immature prejudice fool - feel free
It is a short sighted, immature, and very prejudiced message I will still say that anyone that has an issue with the stamp needs to just get over it
Muslims who have been unjustly persecuted against for the acts of a small sector of their population
It's that less than 1% that screws it up
Terrorists - not Muslims - attacked us. Yes, prejudice continues to run deep through bones of many Brian
For all those that made these comments. A lot of you are saying Its just a stamp, get the F### over it. There’s bigger things, this is nothing but hatred, and it was not true Muslims. etc..
Well let me say a few. Obviously I am not the only idiot, actually the old saying seriously applies here. Who’s the more idiotic, the idiot or the idiot that follows? Meaning, if you spent more than one post on this thread, then clearly you are following it. Are you the idiot, also for actually spending your time to Google and look up more info (clearly just to make more arguments!!!)
As far as I remember, and whoever was of normal rational sense. Would have remembered the scenes coming from the Islamic countries during 9/11. On the news I completely remember not a small population, but rather entire cities cheering when the WTC was attacked. (Oh yeah, I'm sure that was Christians, Jews, Atheists, Devil worshippers and all) - Hmm, nope I think it was 100% Muslims that I saw cheering on the news, when we were attacked. Clearly it is a good thing for Americans to be killed in these countries (not just 1,000 so called Muslims) Like I said, we are talking about entire cities were being shown celebrating on the news.
Once again, this is not a hatred post. I started the entire thread with "I found this interesting" Yes it certainly is a dis-like post. Yep, I dislike people who kill Americans and are over-joyed when it happens.
And I will say it again, I did say I don't recall any Christian groups or Jewish groups that attack American Embassies (seems to always be the Muslim followers that attack Americans - in bombings, Plane Hi-Jacks, etc.)
However, to be fair I will say since the Christians & Jews don't seem like they attack us - then a Religious stamp from them is one thing. But for the US to celebrate Muslims is quite different. Since we have such a good history with this group.
I also said, that since we do have such a distinct relationship with these Islamic/Muslim ran countries.
And that obviously all can't be bad
That I think the US should have put on the stamp with big smiles - Celebrating American Muslims.