High end system to my living room, MOST HELP PLEASE!!!!!



Audioholic Ninja
There are various equivocal hypotheses pros and cons, but the only one that matters is how the speakers actually sound.
Agreed. I was responding to a proposed model ("towers are bookshelves with attached subs") with another model ("no they are not; at least not in light of 3-way towers vs 2-way bookshelves")

Here's another hypothesis. I bet if Harman conducted a DBT using completely untrained randomized audiophiles w/ towers 2.0 (lesser bass) vs monitors + subs 2.2 (better bass), most people would prefer monitors + subs because the later has better bass. :D
Back to hypothesis 1 problem. Little computer speakers plus awesome sub vs B&W N800's with (slightly less) sub.
Result: In the real world individual speakers and setups must be evaluated individually.

Certainly not every monitors + subs 2.2 system sounds better than every towers 2.0 system.
I never advocated for 2.0. Indeed: I never would suggest not using a sub except (and even then only maybe) with some extreme mains.

What I actually discussed was the difference between a 2-way + sub and a 3-way (the person I responded to had described them as functionally identical).

Which is better? Well: 3-way+sub; but then go back to hypothesis 1 that every speaker needs to be evaluated individually.

For some perspective:
My bedroom mains are 2-way TL towers and the surrounds are 3-way towers all with subs
My family room alternates between 3-way TL towers and 4-way towers. No subs at present, but want some.
My computer is 2-way bookshelves with a sub.

And so on and so forth. I'm not really even trying to argue one in favor of another: just point out that they are not the same thing.
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Junior Audioholic
Guys now i have just these choices tell me what to buy. I need 2.0 system right now and in the future i need to add the center channel and the sorround and the subwoofer, but now you should help me to decide and don't remember i cannot audition any of those speaker.

1- Philharmonic 3
2- the two used KEFs R900 (2600$/3300$).
3- Salk Veracity HT2. (3300$ used also).

Please help me to choose quickly !!!!


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Assuming they are the same number of drivers (2-way).

I've never seen a 3-way tower that crossed over to it's woofer at 60-100Hz. I've not seen a bookshelf+sub that didn't. As a result, the 2-way midrange must go lower than the 3-way, which generally also means that the tweeter must also go lower (to meet the larger bookshelf). These compromises can affect sound.

That is a good example. Ask yourself why the Philharmonitor uses a different (larger) woofer than the midrange on the Philharmonic 1/2/3 and Slim.
I agree that it isn't the absolute most efficient arrangement. However, towers generally can't do bass as well as subs can, so for the very best performance, you will want subs. Personally I have to have this, as I need hard hitting bass the same way most people need air and water. Without it, I shrivel up and die.


Junior Audioholic
I agree that it isn't the absolute most efficient arrangement. However, towers generally can't do bass as well as subs can, so for the very best performance, you will want subs. Personally I have to have this, as I need hard hitting bass the same way most people need air and water. Without it, I shrivel up and die.
Thats why i said i will add the subwoofer in the future, but right now i amin 2.0 and need help to decide.


Audioholic Ninja
Guys now i have just these choices tell me what to buy. I need 2.0 system right now and in the future i need to add the center channel and the sorround and the subwoofer, but now you should help me to decide and don't remember i cannot audition any of those speaker.

1- Philharmonic 3
2- the two used KEFs R900 (2600$/3300$).
3- Salk Veracity HT2. (3300$ used also).

Please help me to choose quickly !!!!
Before you choose make sure you can get a center to match them at a later date...


Junior Audioholic
Before you choose make sure you can get a center to match them at a later date...
At this moment i thrust there is a compatible center and sorround to the KEFs.

Salk also have like i read in my searching.

But Philharmonic 3 , really i don't now.


Audioholic Ninja
At this moment i thrust there is a compatible center and sorround to the KEFs.

Salk also have like i read in my searching.

But Philharmonic 3 , really i don't now.
I mean make sure theywill be still available when you decide to get a center, I have seen this happen a few times, someone buys left and right, then a year later goes to get a center only to find the speaker is no longer available, or the finishes no longer match {happened to be}, so now when I buy left and right speakers I buy the center, I have a brand new in the box $900 Evo2 center in my basement just in case I ever want to use my towers in an HT...
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Junior Audioholic
Philharmonic 3, KEF R900, SalkSongTower RT, Salk velacity HT2 !!!!!!!:confused::confused:


Audioholic Jedi
someone buys left and right, then a year later goes to get a center only to find the speaker is no longer available, or the finishes no longer match
Yeah, that sucks.

I would just get enough money to buy the whole 5.0 set. In the meantime, do more research, instead of rushing it.


Junior Audioholic
The Legacy Audio speakers I've seen measure about +/-4dB on-axis. Otherwise, they probably sound as good as any other speakers.

There are a lot of great sounding speakers out there.
Yes friend.
Related to this Legacy speakers i am talken about Legacy audio original.
See this link below,i think its the first focus speaker produced by legacy audio.
http://www.legacyaudio.com/images/uploads/manuals/discontinued/focus (original).pdf
That's why i am compared it to the previous three speakers.


Audioholic Warlord
I think this thread is a good example of how helpful everyone around here is. The OP is literally asking what they should buy sight unseen (or unheard) and is totally trusting strangers. Very good information here. I just wish I had more to contribute to the conversation.

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