I think he means that his pig in a Polk only lasted him a year.
I always stress quality over the shoddy. It is the cheapest route by far in the long run. A vast amount of the equipment in my systems, are between 40 and 60 years old, and the bulk certainly over 15 years. My newest pieces are my studio AVP, TV and two BD players which are four years old, and the speakers in the in wall system also four years old. The newest item is the HTPC which was rebuilt within the last four years.
My main speakers are now 17 years old, my surrounds and rear backs 40 years old. The tape machines 50 years old and some of the disc equipment sixty years old.
The power amps in the system between 20 and 40 years old. Going for quality is by far the cheapest solution. Lastly those vintage items easily compete with the best of current offerings.