Thanks . . .
I had/have some similar thoughts regarding subs . . . meaning I don't have one & won't be getting one for a while . . . since I've recently purchased my speakers (Paradigm Studio 100 v5, CC-690 & ADP-590s); additionally I'm vacillating between the Denon AVR-4311CI vs Onkyo TX-NR818 (as FirstReflections can attest to . . . w/ my endless questions) . . . (leaning toward the Denon). . . and to Adam . . . I had to laugh when you referenced your "financial sphincter" slamming shut . . . gave me a chuckle as I believe I'm there now . . . all that being said, I do appreciate all the thoughts on the subs . . .. and though I don't have one now, I don't really miss it w/ music as the Studio 100's seem to have a enough base for me (regarding music); however, having had them only a couple months . . . I notice something missing in the low end when watching movies . . . so, I do see a need for the sub when watching movies . . . but I guess, between my 'financial sphincter' being slammed shut, being 70/30 music/movies & wanting to pick up a sub that's on par w/ my other speakers . . . I'm willing to wait . . .
Additionally, I need some education regarding what would be a good sub fit for my paradigms . . . . my head about exploded when I saw the prices on the Paradigm Reference subs . . . ***any thoughts/advice/suggestions would be appreciated.***
Anyway, just wanted to throw my thanks in there . . .