What a Boer! I'm sorry Halon, but at the risk of appearing indelicate, how excatly was her face that close to your posterior?

I am genereally not interested in these types of things (remotely...at all), but you have piqued my interest with this one statement...particularly on a first date. It just sounds rather primal. And well, how exactly did this occur?

I'm just not going to let you off that easy Halon!

No, no... I wouldn't expect it from the likes of you John!

Well, didn't want to hijack this thread, but since you asked, here goes: The date went really well for the most part, and after going out for a nice bite to eat, we decided to take a leisurely stroll down by the river near downtown - anyone from Tampa will know where I am talking about - there is a wall that is about waist to chest high that runs along one side of the river, a sidewalk beside that (where we were walking), and the skyscrapers of downtown beyond that. Well - we decided to hop up and sit on the wall for a while, with our feet hanging down, over the water. As I was swinging my legs up and over, she happened to turn in my direction at the same time, while reaching down to knock something off of her shoe. Her face entered the danger zone, just as I let out a very unexpected, and very loud seismic event.
(sigh...) I finished pulling my legs around and let them hang over the water as intended, but my face must have looked like I had just seen a puppy run over by a bus. I have to hand it to the girl - she offered a courtesy smile, but said nothing (it was the first date after all). She had the power to make me throw myself in the river at that point, but kept quiet about the affair. But, needless to say, the damage was done, and our first date was christened to be our last date.