Junior Audioholic
Has anyone experienced a loss of audio when you first turn on the system. I have to restart the system using control 4 as this issue happens intermittently.
Which of those units do you have the audio problem with when connecting?I went with Revel F36 concerta speakers with matching c25 center channel. 2 inceiling 6/1\2 for atmos, model c235, as well as 2 inwall 235"s for surround.
Yamaha Rx-a6a AVR
Go video dual vcr
Panny blu ray ub9000
Yamaha dual casette deck
Pioneer carousel cd player
Nividea shield pro
Control 4
Fios cable box
Which source is used most when you start using the system? If you try to use different sources during system start-up, does this happen with all of them, or is it just one?Has anyone experienced a loss of audio when you first turn on the system. I have to restart the system using control 4 as this issue happens intermittently.
Usually when I turn on the system it's Fios cable tv. I did switch to the shield streamer when it happened at startup, and no audio from you tube as well. I have video but no audio. It happens very intermittently, that's the weird thing. Control 4 turns on the AVR and tv simultaneously.Which of those units do you have the audio problem with when connecting?
That seems like a great idea. The control 4 remote turns on the tv and avr simultaneously. When this happens, it says please wait,on my Sony TV, almost like the system' electronics need to catch up to one another.Which source is used most when you start using the system? If you try to use different sources during system start-up, does this happen with all of them, or is it just one?
I would use the OEM remotes to turn on the various pieces of equipment, starting with the AVR. Turn on the TV, then add a source, waiting about 5-10 seconds between each. If it works correctly, ask the programmer to add a delay to the power cycle between devices. The C4 control system will let you press the button once and take care of the rest of the commands. You may not like waiting, but it's not up to you, the equipment needs time to turn on and that's not going to change.
You're not pressing the button for commands multiple times, are you? That causes all kinds of problems and if someone checks out the system and NEVER has problems, pay attention as you operate the remote control.
OK, the TV and AVR are turned on at the same time, but the AVR needs some time before any other command is sent to it. This is well known and if the C4 system isn't programmed to do that, the programmer needs to fix it.Usually when I turn on the system it's Fios cable tv. I did switch to the shield streamer when it happened at startup, and no audio from you tube as well. I have video but no audio. It happens very intermittently, that's the weird thing. Control 4 turns on the AVR and tv simultaneously.
Very well said. It could be a timing issue if the fios cable box is dormant as well as turning on the tv and avr simultaneously. That seems to be the very issue at large. I think I'm gonna check this out as well as speak to my control 4 guy.OK, the TV and AVR are turned on at the same time, but the AVR needs some time before any other command is sent to it. This is well known and if the C4 system isn't programmed to do that, the programmer needs to fix it.
Is the TV box being turned off? Whose system is it? If the box isn't being turned off, make sure it hasn't turned off because of some power saving setting. Cable boxes may power off after a firmware update, too. Look at the box when you start the system- if you thought it was on, but wasn't and there's no power on command in the macro, it won't turn on, so a button is needed in the activity.
If Cable companies, ATT and anyone else who offers a set top box would have listened to integrators, starting more than 25 years ago, we wouldn't be discussing systems being out of synch but they remove discrete power commands and I would bet that they hate the frequent calls to tech support because of this.
Next time you lose audio, switch to a different device/activity and see if it works, then go back to Fios TV. I it works, you have a handshake/EDID problem.
If the Fios box is dormant, that's not a timing issue, it's lack of voltage.Very well said. It could be a timing issue if the fios cable box is dormant as well as turning on the tv and avr simultaneously. That seems to be the very issue at large. I think I'm gonna check this out as well as speak to my control 4 guy.
My control 4 tech put in a delay fix remotely this afternoon. He said to monitor it to see if it corrected the issue. I'll update this as I progress thru the days.That seems like a great idea. The control 4 remote turns on the tv and avr simultaneously. When this happens, it says please wait,on my Sony TV, almost like the system' electronics need to catch up to one another.
I had my control 4 guy remotely put in a delay on start up and and will monitor going forward.Fios cable boxes never 'power off', they just switch to a splash screen which floats around and says 'Press Menu To Turn On', so there is always an active HDMI signal on Fios boxes and a maintained DHCP and EDID signal in place.
My guess, is that some sound setting may be getting transmitted to the Yamaha AVR at startup. I used to do this as sometimes customers would screw with audio settings and I always pushed it back to 'surround sound' and 'auto' for the input type. Some sources were analog or some were digital, and depending on selections, I would force that as the input type.
I'm currently running a couple of different Yamaha receivers in my setup, and both work perfectly without any audio problems that I've run into so far. All I do is power them on and off though, I don't switch inputs on them as that is managed externally.
I would think that upon power up, the C4 system should have a proper delay built into the system that would keep it from trying to switch inputs for several seconds after startup. But, typically products just ignore commands if they are in a transition state, it wouldn't keep them from operating properly.
I would reach out to the installation company and let them know you are having some issues, and be specific about what you're running into. You want to be able to recreate the situation on a somewhat consistent basis so they aren't just shooting in the dark if at all possible. There is nothing worse than a rarely intermittent problem. But, I would lean towards some command being sent to the AVR from the C4 system which is switching audio inputs at startup. It toggles through something, then ends up on a dead audio input at some point. I would bet if you used the Yamaha AVR remote and switched your audio input type back to 'digital', it may fix the issue.
You may want to look at the front of the Yamaha AVR and see what information it is giving you about audio when you DO have audio, and then again when you do NOT have audio, to see what is different.
If you have no audio at startup, does switching to another source through the remote correct the problem? That is, if you press 'CABLE' and there is no audio, then you press 'ROKU' (or whatever) do you then have audio? How about if you then switch back to 'CABLE'? Do NOT power off in between. Just leave the system on and switch sources.
I don't know enough about C4 programming to really know for sure what is causing this, and despite having a couple of Yamaha AVRs, it is not a problem I've run into when using my control system. But, I am not sending extraneous commands, and I have logic built in that prevents commands from being sent until after the unit is powered on.
Hopefully it fixes things for you.I had my control 4 guy remotely put in a delay on start up and and will monitor going forward.
That "Please Wait" screen is for the users, not the system. It means "Don't touch this, you'll kill us all!".That seems like a great idea. The control 4 remote turns on the tv and avr simultaneously. When this happens, it says please wait,on my Sony TV, almost like the system' electronics need to catch up to one another.
UnderstoodThat "Please Wait" screen is for the users, not the system. It means "Don't touch this, you'll kill us all!".
Make sure nobody is repeating the button presses intentionally, or not. It's fairly common for people to press the button unconsciously and that causes all kinds of problems with code sequencing/macros.