You do realize how expensive separates can get? A box for each and every ' component' or components which ever You prefer to call them. A separate preamp, A separate amp, A separate tuner, A separate source, A separate EQ, A separate processor for all of the different formats for surround sound, A separate for streaming 'PC' Wi-Fi' Net radio, A separate HD tuner. A separate for satellite HD radio. Could go on and on now tell me, where do you, Hide All the expensive cables, Don't get Me started on Speaker's for surround not to mention just L/R mains that some people have Monoblock amps for. You have 13.2 system set-up in your dedicated home theater room and you have Monoblock amps for each and every speaker, that alone would take up Sooo much room You would have to add on to you house or give up the car garage where you park you two-wheel scooter. See now how that sounds ridiculou?.. Oh what about all of the HDMI converter boxes, pull down 180" screen for viewing with the overhead projector?. Should I go on? Yes to some of us it is..avr, Avr, AVR!!.
. Jesus himself would say all that isn't necessary. Man I love this HOBBY!..