I finally got around to actually cranking it up today.
Regardless of your appreciated input which I just read, I did switch the x-over twice today. I did it because when it gets rocking, the Emotiva draws a bunch of amps to play the 100's. Before, no issue as the line never sagged below 120v. Now, with both subs taking a share, and x-over to 50hz, the line sag was down to 117v. I figured the dsp amps are likely way better at bass, and went to 100hz x-over. It sounded better, and alleviated the sag issue almost completely. So, went to 150, more listening. Better again. That kept things in the 119-120v range, and sounded better again.
It sounded great at 50, but you could just tell there were subs on certain tracks. Not where, but the bottom sounded just a little off. I didn't notice much until I went higher. The upper bass cleaned up, and had more punch. This made the lower stuff sound more "attached". The general idea is that they sound like a very big speaker now. Upper bass is much improved.
Seems like a shame with the 100's, but it certainly works.
I remembered Warp saying his subs were flat to 200hz, and so were the 12's.
Not sure how it would have sounded, but knowing this, I might have gotten 60's with dual 15's for about the same money.
Thanks for the insight though. It makes sense as to why it sounds better.
Still going to play around a bit, but I had forgotten how Daft Punk sounded so powerful. (homework) Without cranking it to the moon, the subs really brought up the game so to speak. Never heard any complaints, and the gear was doing 110-115 with peaks reaching 120dB on the RS digital. The higher x-over does seem to take a little attention away from my room's natural 20hz gain.
The "punch" is very close to what I had in mind when handing over the money for this stage of the upgrade.