Well, I know I'll be the odd man out here with my opinion. But I find the wastefulness of this driver design sickening, and I'm even more ashamed that it's a Canadian company doing it.
44 lbs of neodymium...for a subwoofer driver. What a shameful, disgusting waste. We are running out of neodymium at an alarming rate, and Funk Audio is going to waste 44 lbs of it on each subwoofer driver?! All in the name of making the least efficient design possible - ie. as small a box as possible?
This is horrible. I want no part of it. And I wish people would come to their senses on this. I don't care about price, or people paying whatever they're willing for the performance and style that they're after. That's their business. But when it comes at the expense of depleting one of our most useful, scarce, and important natural resources, I just cannot abide such a horrific, and frankly, lazy choice. To just throw money at this design shows a shocking lack of compassion.
Use an electromagnet, for goodness sake. It's obvious that price and weight and power consumption are not the issues here. But instead, the choice has been made to just throw away 44 lbs of precious neodymium on the one driver in a speaker system that benefits from and requires it the least!
I'm disgusted and ashamed.