For the love of god or whoever … VOTE!

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Audioholic Chief
I’m impressed with your grasp of the English language, truly awe inspiring, only you’re wrong. Democrats did take a beating in the House and did not get control of the Senate and Republicans could pick up a Senate seat. Spelling and grammar are meaningless without comprehension.
i'm taking bets on the republicans*picking up seats" in the senate .. ya got any good speakers?


Audioholic Warlord
just another example of "facts don't matter in trumplandia" , because the cultmaster is always truthful....
Funny thing is it gets much worse if you just go to their main page.

People are spreading so much bullsh!t that is totally unfounded and other people don't have the time/patients to even try to see if it's true.

When people I talk to start saying stuff like that my response is "that sounds like bullsh!t, what's your source?" Shockingly enough, they don't have one.


Audioholic Chief
Funny thing is it gets much worse if you just go to their main page.

People are spreading so much bullsh!t that is totally unfounded and other people don't have the time/patients to even try to see if it's true.

When people I talk to start saying stuff like that my response is "that sounds like bullsh!t, what's your source?" Shockingly enough, they don't have one.
you know , this set's up the possibility of a "parallel government " run by trump and enacted by republicans in congress and like governors...


Audioholic Spartan
i'm taking bets on the republicans*picking up seats" in the senate .. ya got any good speakers?
Yeah, I got some in my white van! I have several of these vans so please reply with your name, address, social security number and credit card numbers so I can service you promptly!


Audioholic Chief
Yeah, I got some in my white van! I have several of these vans so please reply with your name, address, social security number and credit card numbers so I can service you promptly! point was simply : there's a lot of rhetorical fodder going on right now .. one right wing talking point recently is : we picked up seats in the senate.. reality check.. they had 52 as of the election,, they won't have 52 (or more ) in feb.. and i'll take bets on it... and i will win .. i don't make "fair" bets , i'm i reformed golf hustler .. i know how to stack the deck...


Senior Audioholic
After January, I hope we don't have to hear T floweth from the mouth! It will be nice to confirm him loosing in a week or 2. Get him and his devout followers out the door and take chances with what comes next, over the next 4 years. Loooong story short!


Audioholic Warlord
it will keep both sides engaged.. i think that may be good for 2022.. trump is a very good reminder of how bad things can get...
I think Trump is a valuable lesson. We can't have a president that is so against the opposing party. Nothing good will come of that. We also can't have one that is too far to either side. That's when the crazies come out of the woodwork.

Middle, slightly leaning to either side is what's needed to get both sides to work together instead of against each other. All that leads to is a party is in power, they put forth a program (the ACA for example) and when they're out of power, the new leader tries to undo it. That's the complete opposite of progress and is a waste of everyone's time.

If we put forth something that BOTH parties agree to, then that's it. We hopefully won't have to worry about things being undone. Will things ever go that way? No idea, but I'm hopeful.


Seriously, I have no life.
Here's an interesting question. Are Trump's clutching at straws efforts to keep the presidency related to his pathological need to be seen as always winning? Or, is he just trying to kick his can full of legal woes four years down the road?


Audioholic Slumlord
I think Trump is a valuable lesson.
Not one that I needed and as you can see, the folks who did need that lesson ain't learnt squat. Just had one tell me this morning that it wasn't over yet. They've been throwing out Trump ballots by the hundreds of thousands. Yes they have! And they're gonna pay for that, boy oh boy, are they ever.

Spelling and grammar are meaningless without comprehension.
Do you comprehend that your boy lost the presidency and no matter how you spin it, losing sucks? I mean like regular losing sucks but when losing means jail time, let me tell you, that's some hard suckin' there.


Audioholic Chief
Obama the next sec of state?... just a passing thought, i can't think of a better one off the top of my head...
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