What is your "overwhelming factual evidence?" All we basically have is propaganda from the right denying any part in it. I haven't "brilliantly conceived anything on my own." It's simply a fact that republican ideology has been the driving force behind the deregulation we have seen that has caused so much of the financial problems we are facing today. E.g.:
So from the perspective of reality, it appears you are the one ignoring the overwhelming factual evidence. It's always easy to spot when people side with the ones who are harming them, in this case the banking and mortgage corporations which lobbied through people like Phil Gramm to deregulate the industry. And once they deregulated, it came crashing down on all of us.
But rather than point the finger of blame where it clearly belongs, you talk about some alleged "attitude" I have of ignoring the facts. Well, phil gramm's legislation deregulated Glass Steagall. That's just a fact. Sorry if you don't want to deal with it, but blaming it on poor people isn't going to solve anything.
I'm the one who's actually always quite amused when I see people who don't even understand the concepts of oppression and how power is being used to oppress through ideology in the interest of profiting a particular class (which is very infrequently the middle class and almost never the working or underclass). You can "feel" it even in the hatred of the poor and searching for scapegoats we always see from these kinds of posts blaming "government," blaming progressives, blaming any and everyone but the people who are actually causing the problem: the right winger "feed the rich" crew who want to deregulate everything in sight so their corporate masters can go on raping and looting the country blind. Voters saw through that this past election, I don't think it's going to work anymore. Nice try, though.