When I look at the current economic situation, bailouts, collapses, bankruptcies, etc., I see one common factor, government interference. In the financial collapse, we see the government distorting the mortgage market through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac urging private banks to make bad loans and buying them up.
In the auto industry, we see the government demanding ever increasing fuel mileage based on non-existent technology that costs billions to develop even as they also demand ever increasing safety features that add weight and hurt mileage. Never mind the product liability issues that arise from such things as police cars being rear ended at 70 MPH, as if there is a way to make such an event 100% safe.
In the gas industry, the government has virtually eliminated competition in the market by making it virtually impossible to build a new refinery in North America. The price of crude is only one defining factor in fuel prices. No refinery has been built since the 70's. The companies that own refineries have a virtual lock on the market and can charge whatever they want for their product. Crude supply can be in a glut, but if they don't refine it, you can't pump it.
In all the areas where the economy is in trouble, the meddling hands of the government are intimately involved in the factors leading to problem. I've heard arguments that the free market doesn't work, but with so much government interference in the market, I would argue that we do not have, nor have we ever had, a free market. Further, I would add that government interference is the cause of all the current economic problems and that bailouts are simply the government paying for it's own failures in the economy. And since the public elected the government, the public will pay.