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Audioholic Overlord
NAFTA should have Never Happened!!
The lawmakers!!! of this sh$t are to blame!!
Anyone in thei right mind would know China Mexico wouldn't play by that f..kup Agreement right? Corporate America yeah, Special interest group Lobbyist up in Washington, Stuffing white envelopes full of money for that lil f..kup deal. Now what? Zombie apocalypse virus hits everyone finds out after the Blindfold was pulled from their eyes No JOBs! Money is gone! But hey Lawmakers, senators, representatives and in the White House will just pass another bill to borrow five more trillion huh? Who's Worried about jobs? They gonna just get more money from the rest of the world and We won't pay back a dime!! lmao!


Audioholic Slumlord
It is about time that a United States president finally stands up for this country. We have been getting screwed by the rest of the world including Canada and China as far as tariffs are concerned. China has been dumping their s*** in this country undercutting United States producers and putting them out of business.Exporting jobs to 3rd word. At the same time if General Motors wants to sell a Buick minivan the tarrifs would send the price to $80,000. The same goes for Canada and there Agricultural and dairy products. Enough is enough it's time for United States to start taking in some money. Not that it's these countries fault., it is the fault of the greedy American politicians who made these deals. Even as a teenager when NAFTA was agreed upon, I didn't understand how this f****** deal would help the United States economy. It turns out that that naive child was right and it decimated this country.
Its not the fault of the politicians but the American stockholders rewarding corparate elite with big time bonuses while f'ing over Mr and Mrs Joe America and laying them off. Blame them. Please dont think that the US is not guilty of dumping commodities into Canada. poop like this happens but that F?cktard leading your country is a back stabbing bastard. Make a deal and then alter the deal last minute.

That F?cktard claimed economic success for work done by the previous administration. He's the laughing stock of the industrial world, increased racial tension in your country to levels not seen before, totally botched COVID which now has the highest death and infection rates of the G7.

Think about this....he spent more time trying to foster a relationship with North Korea and Russia then the US's biggest trading partner, Canada. There is something seriously wrong with senior F?cktard.


Audioholic General
Can you Imagine that! Her having her, Having a monthly menstrual cycle and Little rocket man pisses her off? Holy cow man somebody tape up that red button so she can't, Launch any nuclear weapons! lolo
this is why you people are refereed to as deplorables


Audioholic General
Hey bro! you know me? have your met me? do you know who I really am? Up your Ahole bro! I can give a Rats A$$ who you vote for voted for or who you Intend to vote for. What what ever, race, creed or nationality you are You Suck! coming at me like that. As for who I believe should be in what ever Office any politician can hold? I say f..kem all! This is why You and your whole Family are deplorable's. Go try your Nazi tactics on somebody else bro! Your statement, and making it Personal about me? Tells me what your about, only someone whos Associated with a hate group or Aryan skinhead would post up a Personal attack like that. But Carry-on you do what you do best.
your post was vulgar


Audioholic General
And your Stereotyping! You do not know me. That post you posted up is what is Exactly wrong in this nation especially with the politicians! "Deplorable's" yeah ok you keep drinking the Kool-Aid man.
reread that post and reread the post you then posted to me

if you write disgusting stuff people are going to think of you as a disgusting person

all the best, i won't be replying


Trump and his tarrifs is bound to tear up the US Canada relationship that we enjoyed with one a other. No other president in the ...
I agree with your assessment of our supreme leader.

I know this site is speaker cable sensitive, I’m curious, your system description does not mention cables. Any reason for that?


Audioholic Slumlord
I agree with your assessment of our supreme leader.

I know this site is speaker cable sensitive, I’m curious, your system description does not mention cables. Any reason for that?
I dont believe in magic which most audiophiles do when it comes to cables. I believe in science and that cables impart no sound.
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Audioholic Slumlord
Ummm... As much as don't like what I just read in your post, I feel, No I can't disagree with what you just posted up. I'm white Caucasian also, I have been Discriminated against my whole life By White, Black, Green and Purple colors. From Asian dissent African-American descent, Latinos, White Caucasian the list is long. Yeah I'll say it, I've been called "Cracker" to my face by African Americans I've been called poor white "Trash" and the other Dark meat by White Caucasian. I've been called a White N...ger by Asian dissent, Latinos Mexican Mexican Americans, sh&t man How does White Bit.h sound to you in Spanish? I know because I do and Understand and speak a little Spanish. The list my friend is long. I'll say this, That Two Party system we have has All but Completely destroy this nation. Sad thing it is when Our Nation is Young by world standards. If I had to go back in time and put a president to put blame on, for the Communism running rampant in the world? Harry Truman, comes to mind. Roosevelt and the powers be Gave Russian communism a foothold after the 2nd world war. Cutting deals with the devil surly isn't something I would want on My conscious when millions of lives are on the line. The United States took out Japan with those two atomic bombs Pretty much saved China's a$$ from Japan. Hell if it wasn't for the United States, Supplying Great Britain and Russia with Supplies and military equipment Those two pretty much would not exist. General Douglas MacArthur was right, when he told Truman, Communism will come back to bite him in the a$$. Ouch!! Sucks huh? Get your popcorn ready the show is getting real good!

Edit: General Douglas MacArthur In my Opinion was one of the Greatest Generals to serve our country. I put him up there with George Washington, and Andrew Jackson.
Russia supplied itself for the most part in WW2 but that is something the history books gloss over. It was also Russia that administered the defeating blow to Nazi Germany which is another item the history books dont get quite right. The US contribution was huge and Im not down playing that. But it was the Russians wthat crushed Germany and the US was left scrambling to save Germany from being swallowed whole by the Russians.

My grandfather was sent to the Russian front after speaking up againt what was happening to the Jewish people. He was lucky and made it back alive.

My grandfather lost some friends to the camps but also saved and helped those he could.

I see Trump as a facist and is employing facist tactics to try and win the next election. The American public needs to speak out just like my grandfather did.
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Audioholic Slumlord
While I don't disagree totally with your post,
Yes Russia, did push the Nazis back. Where did Russia get their tanks from? umm United States? Great Britain? Canada? Australia? how about the heavy artillery? They got mostly from The United States. So did England. Good thing huh, if Hitler got a hold of a atomic bomb don't think we be speaking English right now. Poor Russia huh? Sneaky bastards.
Russians had the best tanks in WW2, far better than anything the Germans or allies had and built their tanks from their own ore and factories which the new communist government forced them to build. Stallin used the same technics on his people that Hitler used on POWs and ethnic groups. You really are a victim of being fed filtered history.

The basic shape of the US Abrams and the German Leopard tank owe their design back to the Russian T-34
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Seriously, I have no life.
That's the thing a lot of people seem to be forgetting. China didn't "steal" our production, our businesses found out it was cheaper to do it there so they moved production to China and laid off their American production workforce. That's businesses screwing us, not China.

China isn't alone either. Lots of car production moved to Canada and Mexico and other places. That's what put Detroit in the dumps. Not like the demand for vehicles, specifically "American", has decreased at all. I think at this point more "foreign" cars are made here than domestic brands. I'll have to check to make sure that's accurate though.

If you want to fault China for something (there's a lot, but just business related) they are really bad about stealing IP. THAT is happening quite a lot, but we don't have to import their blatant rip off products, nor do consumers have to purchase them.

At this point you cannot buy very many things that don't at minimum have Chinese parts in them.
Let's look at what actually happened. From the first link-

"Under the Trade Act of 1974, China was designated, alongside the Soviet Union and other socialist states, a non-market economy. As such, it could only be granted MFN status under certain preconditions. In 1980, as relations between the two countries thawed, the U.S. conditionally granted China MFN status. That status, however, had to be renewed annually, which gave China’s critics in Congress an annual opportunity to question the wisdom of doing so. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, an alliance of economic nationalists, human-rights activists, and anti-communists sought to deny China MFN status every year. And every year that alliance was defeated by those who insisted that by opening the American economy to Chinese imports, the United States would gently nudge Beijing towards economic liberalism, multiparty democracy, and a rejection of hegemonic designs—predictions that haven’t exactly been borne out."

Make sure to click on the link at the end.

Then, (from Wiki), the status of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) is a legal designation in the United States for free trade with a foreign nation. In the United States, the name was changed from most favored nation (MFN) to PNTR in 1998. Clinton signed that, too.

Americans want cheap goods. They used to want the best and were willing to pay for it, but many factors caused the cost for US-made goods to rise to the point where most people could no longer afford them. Funny think about rising manufacturing wages- they drive up the price of the goods made by those workers.


Seriously, I have no life.
Russia supplied itself for the most part in WW2 but that is something the history books gloss over. It was also Russia that administered the defeating blow to Nazi Germany which is another item the history books dont get quite right. The US contribution was huge and Im not down playing that. But it was the Russians wthat crushed Germany and the US was left scrambling to save Germany from being swallowed whole by the Russians.

My grandfather was sent to the Russian front after speaking up againt what was happening to the Jewish people. He was lucky and made it back alive.

My grandfather lost some friends to the camps but also saved and helped those he could.

I see Trump as a facist and is employing facist tactics to try and win the next election. The American public needs to speak out just like my grandfather did.
Germany and Russia had fought over land (usually in what is now called 'Poland' for a long time and there were some accords agreed to pre-invasion of Poland in 1939 that were violated by Nazi Germany. Hitler looked at Russian land as a golden ring to be won and concentrated on it while they were being beaten in the West. It was Hitler and his single-mindedness that caused Germany's defeat but it was the terms of surrender after WWI that caused Hitler to come to power and that caused WWII.


Audioholic Slumlord
Nan man, Your Not Completely correct my friend. Where you found your info? Wiki links?
Don't know can not really say wasn't born yet at that time. I can say, from what my father's oldest brother told me about that war, he served in it on a Naval ship. There are thing that happened in and about that war that are still Classified and most Definitely not in the history books or what you may have heard on the news or read else where. As far me been a Victim? Didn't ask for your Validation in the first place. You'd be Surprised what our own government officials will lie about or maybe it wouldn't, Surprise you. But I myself would never tell anyone their a victim of History read. That statement alone you just made about me, " being fed Filter news" Stereotype somebody else bro, that is a onesided view that only could come from the school you went to., Where you in a school that wasn't Segregated? As for the Russians having the best tanks? lol The Germans had the best lol. USA had crappy tanks but we had Thousands of them. lol, They were lighter and durable and could take a lot of sh.t. lol The German panzer and tiger where much better in a lot of ways. You do know how Close Alaska is to Russia right? Well my fathers oldest brother and I where talking one day about his service in that war. He Uncle AJ, told me that the good ole USA was getting Supplies and Military gear to them Sneaky bastard Russians from off the Cost of Alaska. Was it true? again can't say don't know for sure. But I wouldn't bet my last buck that My uncle AJ wasn't making it up for just bragging rights. You already know good ole USA was sending to Russia before we jumped into the war. 13,000 tanks alone I had to google that one. 14,000 planes long list long long list. lol Cheers!

Edit: Uncle AJ was also on a Navy ship when our Military where testing atomic bombs. Two of them, poor man had to Witness first hand the destruction of one of those. I can not Imagine the suffering Japans citizens went through with the two that where dropped on them. He die a rip old age but He suffered a crippling disease that No doctor could pin point. Not even VA doctors could. His youngest brother Bobby and I talked about his brothers crippling disease. Uncle Bobby believed it was from radiation exposure. I asked how he knew that, he told me only one doctor at the VA told him that. Uncle Bobby, BJ, Served in the Korean War, yep on a Naval vessel. Them dudes that served in those wars heard and seen things That'll never be in history books. Cheers!
Like I said before, your a victim of fictional history.


Audioholic Warlord
Nan man, Your Not Completely correct my friend. Where you found your info? Wiki links? … …
You already know good ole USA was sending to Russia before we jumped into the war. 13,000 tanks alone I had to google that one. 14,000 planes long list long long list. lol Cheers!
It's one thing to argue opinions, they're like assholes, everybody has one. But it's entirely another thing to argue facts. Don't go down that road without checking the facts first.

In this case, 3db is right. During WWII, the Russians became the masters of tank warfare. They defeated the Germans with superior tanks, artillery, other weapons, and tactics. In particular, the Russian T-34 tank was superior in quality and quantity. See this:

Yes, it's true we sent weapons and supplies to Russia. But those tanks and airplanes were small numbers compared to those that were built in Russia. The tanks we sent were light tanks, faster than our heavy tanks. But they were slower than the heavy Russian T-34. The airplanes we sent, mainly P-39s, were rejected for use by the US Army Air Force. It is said, the most useful thing we sent them were 2½ ton trucks. We sent lots of those, and the Russians didn't have anything like them.


Audioholics Five-0
Yes, it's true we sent weapons and supplies to Russia. But those tanks and airplanes were small numbers compared to those that were built in Russia. The tanks we sent were light tanks, faster than our heavy The airplanes we sent, mainly P-39s, were rejected for use by the US Army Air Force. It is said, the most useful thing we sent them were 2½ ton trucks. We sent lots of those, and the Russians didn't have anything like them.
400,000 trucks and jeeps by wiki’s reckoning in their lend lease article. AFAIK, those vehicles represented a significant portion of the Red Army’s logistical capacity.

In terms of tanks, the T-34 was extremely capable, though Lend Lease tanks served their purpose as well; wiki reckons 30-40% of the medium and heavy tanks in front of Moscow in December of 1941 were provided by Lend Lease.

Re: the P-39, it wasn’t exactly a top tier performer, especially at higher altitudes due to its single stage / single speed supercharger. Of course the Soviets were more focused on low altitude combat in support of ground forces, so the P-39 worked in spite of of its limitations.


Audioholic Warlord
Back on topic, Steve Bannon was arrested today on fraud charges. How long until the number of Trump associates who have been arrested outnumber those who haven't?


Audioholic Slumlord
Well stated, Never said what I posted up was Actual or Factual. Your post is Based on facts, But not Necessarily Completely true either. What I posted, was off of the United States Embassy website in Russia. But do I
believe it's Completely factual? Nan man lol. As you stated, I quote;
"Opinions are like assholes everybody's got one." Educated ones are the worst, watch out!!
Misinformed are the worst. ... Have you read WW2 history from different countries to see their point of view? If no, I would suggest you do to get a more "educated" outlook on history.


Audioholic Slumlord
Good points, post up links, I'll be glad to read them and check them out. But me being Misinformed and I'm the worst? Thats like saying African Americans are the worst or Asian all the worse or whatever all the worse. Nan, Won't stereotype you like Your doing me. Seems your looking at History like a Cops take, they gotta look at it , Black and White. Be very careful The way you're looking at things you fall into a certain category of Group. Or You from Arkansas? Bill or Hillary Clinton fan? just asking cause those are Worse followers. Don't drink the Kool-Aid man!! lolo
My misinformed was not directed at you personally but the suggestion of reading other opinions other than the US is. Its good to get insight from other points of view.
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