When I was a teen, I was at my buds house and he and his father got into a heated argument. Just when the fight was reaching it's apex, the father turned to his son and said, "You were a load, that should've been swallowed" The silence was deafening, for about two seconds when I dropped to the floor LMAO. It was by far the harshest yet funniest insult I had ever heard.
The other time I was in a "Your Momma" insult competition with my buds when I came back with, "I could've screwed your Momma last night, but she didn't have change for a Peso. "
Some other classic insults.
When you were born, the nurse screamed, "Don't flush it doctor, it has eyes.
When you were born, the doctor slapped your Mama
When I was born, they passed out cigars, when you were born they just passed out.
When seeing two ugly chicks together. "Oh my God it's the Lee sisters"
"The Lee sisters?"
"Yeah Ug and Home" the Lee sisters.
Last time I saw a Mouth like that, it had a hook in it - Rodney Dangerfield