I agree, but I ask exactly who or what is the Leftist party platform standing for? I ask because there has to be a standard by which to hold someone accountable if attempting to hold someone accountable. Please don't say the Constitution because it is obvious that that's an absurd notion concerning the Liberal/Democrat party.
I mean if someone on the Right embezzles etc I'll be the first to run them over w/ a bus. Not to mention I'd be the first to castrate a pedophile w/ a cold blade. However, when the Leftist get busted by incriminating evidence of such or say drugs, homosexuality and pedophile or whatever depraved desire they make it into law. So I'd have to guess that depraved man is the Liberal/Democrat's standard as the basis for their worldview which includes the political realm as well as religious etc. To note, in my mind secularism is a religion in the name of no religion and the legalism of secularism is political correctness. Such is dictated by depraved leadership on the Left. It won't be long before another Nero and his love child Sporus are in our House, Senate, Scotus, or in Potus.
So again, according to who's or what standard?